Industry Committee Demands a Canadian DMCA
George Orwell's "1984" is coming truer faster than we will ever think!
Here attached is the whole document: 391_INDU_Rpt08-e.pdf
You can view it with Adobe or Foxit Reader 2.0.
In particular, the report makes the following recommendations:
- ratify the WIPO Internet treaties (seemingly because the U.S. has placed us on the Special 301 list)
- increase damages and penalties under the Copyright Act
- create a new offence for the distribution of pirated works
- create a new offence for the manufacture or distribution of circumvention devices for commercial gain
- create new administrative penalties for the importation of counterfeit and pirated goods
- create a new criminal offence for manufacturing, reproducing, importing, distributing, and selling counterfeit goods
- strengthen civil remedies for counterfeiting and piracy infringement
- increase the resources allocated to the RCMP and Justice to counter counterfeiting and piracy
- prioritize RCMP and Justice copyright enforcement
- encourage prosecutors to seek more significant penalties for counterfeiting and piracy violations, including imprisonment
- create a new IP Crime Task Force
- new border measures, data sharing, and the creation of an IP registry
Here attached is the whole document: 391_INDU_Rpt08-e.pdf
You can view it with Adobe or Foxit Reader 2.0.