(Australia) Video Ezy and Blockbuster throw their support behind Blu-ray, saying HD DVD is not taking the Australian market seriously enough.
What the article implies is true though, the HD DVD effort here in Australia has been pretty pathetic. They only really launched about a couple of months ago (about a year behind Blu-ray). The delay was caused by Toshiba changing distributors here in Australia (they used to do it through another company, they've only just started distributing products themselves). And somebody actually phoned them up to ask who is responsible for promoting HD DVD in Australia, the HD DVD group or Toshiba, and the Toshiba rep said he didn't know. HD DVD players only started selling about 2 months ago, but the good news for HD DVD is that they managed to grab around 30% of the market even when they didn't have standalone players (thanks to the Xbox 360 HD DVD add-on drive).
But that's not to say that Blu-ray has been doing everything perfectly, since Blu-ray movie prices are at the same ridiculously high level as HD DVD (around $US 35 per disc, compared to about $25 for new release DVDs). Blu-ray player prices are also more expensive now that HD DVD has finally launched, although the HD DVD players are still about double the price of the same machines in the US.