A class action lawsuit filed earlier this week against Samsung claims the company has knowingly sold defective Blu-ray players to the public since June 2006.
Samsung Sued Over Defective Blu-ray Players
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Very typical large corporation operating procedures.
When the problem becomes known, the board of directors will make a decision as to the bottom line costs usually in dollars to fix the problem or ignor the problem.
If it is cheaper to send out hardware updates to fix the problem then the large corporation will do so, OR if it is cheaper to absorb all of the law suits then the large corporation will do that.
Bottom line costs will determine which route to take. NO large corporation cares about the consumer.
(If it's cheaper)
Last edited by ed klein; 10 Feb 2008, 09:23 AM. -
I find it strange they weren't able to fix the problem with a firmware update, as they had promised. All these players are now very complex machines, so bugs will be present and some can't be fixed, but the basic functions like playback should still work. The quoted problems with BD+ was more likely a problem with a BD-J update that the affected discs required, and it's strange why Samsung has not been able to provide a firmware update to fix the BD-J issue when almost everybody else has managed to do so.
I don't think I will be buying a Samsung HD players anytime soon, because there is talk of a class action lawsuit over their dual-format BD-UP5000 player as well.Comment