The world famous Secrets Benchmarks result for the PS3 has been released for the latest PS3 firmware (previously, it only tested pre 1.8 firmware). Unfortunately, the results, while better than before, are still not that good. It's an excellent Blu-ray player, but not the best DVD upscaling player.
I'm a bit surprised, to be honest, since I think the DVD upscaling capability is actually quite good. Of course, the Secrets benchmark is a very tough one, and failing it does not a bad player make. It only means that the PS3 cannot compete with top of the line multi-thousand dollar equipment when displayed on similarly expensive equipment - for most users, they will still feel the PS3 offers fantastic playback.
As an owner of a Reon HQV enabled player, I can definitely see the quality gap between it and the PS3 (most notable on moving scenes, particularly artifacts which show up far more frequently on the PS3), but I would really have to be nit picking to say the PS3 is not a good DVD player. It's just not the best, which nobody expects it to be.