Studio Execs Lower Blu-ray Sales Estimates

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    Studio Execs Lower Blu-ray Sales Estimates

    Blu-ray high-def disc sales could hit the $1 billion mark this year -- and jump to $2.5 billion next year, several Hollywood studio presidents predicted last summer.

    However, that was before this fall's economic crisis and studio executives are now saying that Blu-ray software sales could be as low as $650 million this year, according to Video Business.

    Not listed in the above article, but mentioned in a related one was this piece of information:

    10.5 million households will be capable of playing Blu-Ray videos — with 8 million of them on the PlayStation 3

    You really do wonder what the term "capable" means. Having a PS3 automatically makes you capable of playing Blu-ray movies, but it doesn't mean you actually do so. And I'm sure some of these numbers include people who perhaps have only ever used the PS3 to play Blu-ray once or twice, to play the free movie included with the console, and then never again afterwards. The standalone numbers are the "real" numbers, and at 2.5 million in the US, that's not a great set of numbers (I'd wager this many standalone DVD players get sold every month or two).
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