BitTorrent Researcher: Copyright Will Be Obsolete by 2010

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    BitTorrent Researcher: Copyright Will Be Obsolete by 2010

    And Pouwelse, who’s been tracking the P2P phenomenon over the last decade, has just published along with some of his colleagues an article highlighting some of the key points of his research. It’s a good 21-page read, but here’s the short version: That whole copyright thing ain’t gonna work.
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  • dr_ml422
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • May 2007
    • 1903

    The author's last quote about file sharing being a social behavior is a reality that if you think about it can't really be controlled. Not at the level of users that was explained as being involved as of today. I don't have a easy answer or speculation on where copyright is going, but I can see that there's just too many out there that want those files, and way too many who know exactly how to get them, and develop new ways if one is shut down or deterred. Sounds like the consumption of alcohol, and Prohibition in a different format.

    One quick tax and just let everyone watch and download their flics or w/e. On the governments that is. $$$ makes $$$. They'll figure it out.

    Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

    Google is definitely our friend.


    • drfsupercenter
      NOT an online superstore
      • Oct 2005
      • 4424

      Well, I'm opposed to forcing taxes to help the studios make money off of piracy... there are plenty of people who don't pirate things, and all that would do is turn them into pirates as well.

      I kinda had an idea I came up with, for if I ever made a movie. (Something similar could work for music too)
      I would initially release it in the theater, just like any movie today. But at the same time, I would make a Flash-based online watchable version of the movie, on an official website. I would have a banner ad or two at the top, so I'd be getting money for every person who watches it. However, nobody would really have a reason to "camrip"... as I'm already providing an official one! (I might have like an iPod downloadable version, it just won't be super-high definition)

      Then I would release it to home video (DVD/Blu-Ray, whatever new future technology), and at the same time, release a variety of them online... maybe a 720p high definition version, and a 480p standard version. Again, I would have official download links, with no DRM or anything... the only thing would be a couple ads here and there. I might then make a torrent of each (seeing as how that's the most popular way people pirate movies), but the description would promote my website so hopefully people would visit it.

      So that way, the pirates are happy, and I'd be happy as it would be drawing in revenue from the advertisements. (Kinda like how MGM and other studios are putting their old films on YouTube with ads... except it wouldn't be quite so annoying with the advertising)
      I know it might not be as much money as if every person were to buy a copy, but let's face it... that'll never happen. And I say, why try to fight piracy if it'll never go away... why not embrace it?
      CYA Later:

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      • dr_ml422
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • May 2007
        • 1903

        Pirates pirate because they want to pay nothing, nada, zilch. Releasing a flic online at same time as theatres would kill movie sales at theatres, which still is a better experience than even the best HT. Why? Because of the need to get out and socialize which the author pointed out as a major part of the problem in regards to human behavior. They're in it to make as much $$$, not less. Some actors get a cut at the box office not just straight salary.

        The tax I proposed was to the government not the people. It would have to be a give and take situation between both parties, mutually beneficial to them. This way there would already be $$$ up front for the Studio and any contractual favors or w/e the government specifies. Now you could still go to flics, prolly cheaper, maybe not sure, download w/e the heck you want and buy w/e the heck you want as still some want a hard copy. The initial revenue will decrease Blu-ray/DVD or w/e disc format prices. Now if there is any piracy it won't matter. The $$$'s already in the bank. Studios happy, they could care less if Pirates or consumers are happy w/w/e they choose to get and watch flics.

        Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

        Google is definitely our friend.

