i found it amusing and almost put it in funny jokes thread. 
The issue only seems to affect MacBook Pros with 7200rpm 500GB hard drives and is thought to be due to code that's causing the drive to sleep during use. The hard disks in question fall asleep during operation, and freeze the computer temporarily until it spins up again - after an indeterminate amount of time - usually a maximum of 10 seconds. They also beep loudly and click during the process.
i actually know few ppl like that too

The issue only seems to affect MacBook Pros with 7200rpm 500GB hard drives and is thought to be due to code that's causing the drive to sleep during use. The hard disks in question fall asleep during operation, and freeze the computer temporarily until it spins up again - after an indeterminate amount of time - usually a maximum of 10 seconds. They also beep loudly and click during the process.
fall asleep during operation
