Controversial PS3 Ad Uses Nazi Imagery

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    Controversial PS3 Ad Uses Nazi Imagery

    Where would a PlayStation ad campaign be without something in poor taste. This time, it's the PS3 campaign in Chile that is at least giving the Internet news sites something to talk about.

    In an ad that shows a gamer giving blood to a Nazi officer (who is Rommel, but the ad doesn't make it clear who the person is), and Nazi swastikas adorning the hospital bed posts, it's easy to be offended.

    In the same series of ads, a gamer is also shown giving a heart transplant to Joan of Arc (WTF?).

    This also isn't the first time that a Sony ad campaign has caused controversy, with the infamous "White PSP" billboard being the pick of the bunch.


    You'd think Sony's ad teams would have learned to stay away from needlessly controversial imagery after that whole "White is coming" PSP debacle or even those "Take a Running Jump Here" ads, but... they haven't. Check out these Chilean PlayStation 3 ads, which show a modern-day gamer giving a heart transplant to Joan of Arc and a blood transfusion to a Nazi. Yes, Sony has Godwin'd its own advertising. The Nazi in question is supposed to be Erwin Rommel, a highly decorated and respected German field marshal, but it's not like Sony's really riffing on that here, and making an ad with a swastika in it that relies on your audience to know the subtle nuances of WWII history just isn't the smartest move in the world. It's a pretty simple rule: if you make a video game ad with Nazis in it and it's not about shooting the Nazis, you've screwed up. Let's just stick with those creeptastic Japanese PS3 spots, okay? P.S.- We'll shut off comments in a heartbeat. Behave yourselves. [Via Copyranter]
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  • soup
    Just Trying To Help
    • Nov 2005
    • 7524

    Sony should be in the gun business, because they are real good at shooting themselves in the foot. I can just imagine the people sitting around watching the ad presentation. That's the most obnoxious, disgusting thing we have ever seen, we will take it.


    • admin
      • Nov 2001
      • 8964

      Turns out Sony didn't authorize the ad campaign at all, it was all the work of a rogue Chilean ad agency.


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