Obama Administration To Crackdown On Piracy

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    Obama Administration To Crackdown On Piracy

    The White House has released its 2010 Joint Strategic Plan On Intellectual Property Enforcement, which will make efforts to clamp down on online piracy.

    Vice President Joe Biden, a long time supporter of the RIAA, signaled that the US is prepared to attack domestic and foreign websites that may be engaged in copyright infringement. Speaking about online piracy, Joe Biden stated his opinion that "(it) is theft, clear and simple. It's smash and grab, no different than a guy walking down Fifth Avenue and smashing the window at Tiffany's and reaching in and grabbing what's in the window."

    Amongst measures considered are the monitoring of file sharing websites and networks, possibly assisting groups like the controversial US Copyright Group in their mass prosecution attempts (which has been attacked by the ACLU and EFF) and improved "law enforcement efforts at the Federal, state and local level."

    The initiative is likely to be welcomed by both major parties in the US, both of whom have been vocal in their support of trade groups like the RIAA and the MPAA.


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  • dr_ml422
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • May 2007
    • 1903

    These guys will do anything to clear way out of more important issues like Immigration Reform etc... The oil spill I also think is pure politics. What a way to create more jobs!

    Otn, they better be careful as to how they go about all this because if the Big Boy ISP providers start taking a hit there will be much litigation going on. Maybe this is what's needed to stop all this neurotic anti-piracy quest.

    I try to steer clear of political subject matter but this is part of the copyright latest news thread and material.

    Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

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    • Budreaux
      Super Member
      Super Member
      • Jan 2006
      • 278

      They had no control over BP making a disaster in the way of an exploded rig. The presidency isn;t about dealing with one problem at a time, they still have to deal with all the other problems along the way. I'll admit, the Gulf oil spill is being handled wrong, but there are three partied involved..BP, The US Coast Guard, and the US Government....... this makes for too much red tape in a crisis that just can;t afford it. But as far as not dealing with it...good lord, just stop and think bout the ramifications...Obama will want to be reelected in 2012 so he can not afford to not deal with the Gulf disaster.
      Biden has always been against the Piracy, this is nothing new.


      • dr_ml422
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • May 2007
        • 1903

        That's my take as well. I mean for Pete's sake he/the Administration wanted off-shore drilling and w/that comes risks. 2012 forget about it! He can try and do all he wants, I seriously doubt any re-election. They totally screwed up Katrina there and now want to make it up via this here w/BP's commitment of all those billions.

        Anyhow like my friend always tells me,"Let the politicians deal w/politics." I'm not a politician and prolly would not be able to have been one. Like Teddy said, "You can't make money and be a politician w/out being corrupt." Something along those lines anyway. I'm not a saint by any means but I couldn't do anything near what I've seen in my lifetime by all these characters.

        Lil OT here but are you getting that new Xbox Slim for a new mod? Good to hear from you. Your work is otm.

        Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

        Google is definitely our friend.


        • Budreaux
          Super Member
          Super Member
          • Jan 2006
          • 278

          Originally Posted by dr_ml422
          Lil OT here but are you getting that new Xbox Slim for a new mod? Good to hear from you. Your work is otm.
          No plans as of yet, but that is because I am in the middle of relocating back to Texas.
          I've been working on my custom VW Bug too, so very little time for the console stuff right now. I tend to do the console stuff during my down time in the winter months, but the right opportunity presents itself and I'll do one.


          • dr_ml422
            Lord of Digital Video
            Lord of Digital Video
            • May 2007
            • 1903

            Originally Posted by Budreaux
            No plans as of yet, but that is because I am in the middle of relocating back to Texas.
            I've been working on my custom VW Bug too, so very little time for the console stuff right now. I tend to do the console stuff during my down time in the winter months, but the right opportunity presents itself and I'll do one.
            Cool. Hope the move goes smooth, and I'll keep that opportunity in mind.
            SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,

            Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

            Google is definitely our friend.

