3D Movies Losing Steam, Analyst Blames Pricing And Eye Fatigue

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    3D Movies Losing Steam, Analyst Blames Pricing And Eye Fatigue

    It seems 3D is no longer enough to make mega bucks at the box office, and it may actually be hurting the bottom line, according to analysts. Box office results for Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides suggest that the 3D craze, which has helped cinema receipts, may be on the wane.

    Only 38% of all ticket sales revenue for the latest PotC movie came from 3D screenings, down from the 50+% results for past movies such as Shrek Forever. This is despite children oriented movies such as Shrek Forever usually being less popular when it comes to 3D due to children not wanting to wear the glasses, and so, under normal circumstances, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides should have performed even better.

    BTIG Research analyst Richard Greenfield believes that eye fatigue with the format, as well as higher ticket pricing, is responsible.

    Citing ticket prices for the upcoming Kung Fu Panda 2 movie, where the 3D screening costs 40% more than the 2D version, Greenfield believes that by gouging cinema-goers for 3D screenings, exhibitors are actually losing money when it comes to filling seats and selling premium priced popcorn (and drinks, and snacks).

    Greenfield believes that had Disney promoted the 2D version of PotC: On Stranger Tides over the 3D version, box office receipts might have been higher. And as such, Greenfield is recommending studios stop focusing on 3D productions.

    However, rival analyst Richard Schackart of William Blair & Co. believes just the opposite, that thanks to 55% more movies being shown in 3D, that this summer (U.S. time) would be the best ever for 3D.

    And possibly the most eye-fatigue-iest as well.

    (Story Source)
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  • rago88
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Aug 2005
    • 566

    3D aside,

    I can't understand why people continue to be gouged at the box office.
    would life be so bad if we didn;t see a 1st run movie the 1st week it comes out?

    I for one realized a loooooong time ago seeing a movie for the 1st time,
    regardless if I saw it 2 months after it's release was just as satisfying to me as the person who saw it the day it was released..

    yes, there is the so called thrill of seeing it in the theater, after parking,
    concession stand rediculous prices, cell phone alerts and texting alerts going off, conversations going on here/there etc...
    an easy 30-40 dollar nite for 2...

    Watching a rental at home on BluRay in the comfort of my home 6-8 weeks later? not a hardship at all...and so much cheaper...

    BTW: I do realize that many movies are made for the under 21 crowd who,
    on a Fri or Sat night are not old enough to go to clubs etc [here in the US] and so where do you take a date but to the ciniplex.. therfore contributing to huge box office receipts...
    Last edited by rago88; 25 May 2011, 01:20 AM. Reason: add


    • dr_ml422
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • May 2007
      • 1903

      3D sucks unlesss they really do it right and w/the right flic. They bagged me w/the last Saw 3D for $19.99 or w/e it was. Only seen actually that can be said was decent 3D was the opening one. They better wake up and chuck this asap.

      I agree rago there's no big deal seeing anything later, especially at this stage of the game. The movie theatre does for some odd reason though have a very different feel, and so for rec I hit them every so often.

      Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

      Google is definitely our friend.

