Android's YouTube Video Rentals Doesn't Like Rooted Phones

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    Android's YouTube Video Rentals Doesn't Like Rooted Phones

    Google recently announced YouTube's video-on-demand service would be coming to Android phones, but what they didn't say back then was that if your Android phone has been rooted, you won't be allowed to used the service.

    "Rooting" your Android phone basically means that you get full access to everything on the phone, as if you were the root, or super, user. This means you can replace the entire operating system if you wish, and basically removes all software and firmware restrictions on the phone. Unlike "jailbroken" iPhones, Google usually do not punish users for getting the most out of their phone, and many Google apps happily work on rooted phones.

    Many but not all.

    Google's new YouTube video rental app will give rooted phone users a vague "Error 49", and searching Google's support documents reveal that this is the error you get when you try to play a movie on a rooted phone. Google cites "copyright protection" as the reason for this block.

    Critics have attacked Google for having this new policy, on a platform that is supposed to be "open". UK's Guardian reporter Cory Doctorow even compares this latest restrictions to a book publisher telling readers "which rooms you could read in, or what light bulbs you were allowed to use, or whether you could rebind the book or take it abroad with you".

    But chances are, Google's new hardline approach to DRM has its roots, if you pardon the pun, in the demands placed on it by the content holders that is supplying the movies for YouTube's new rental service. The same studios that have forever been paranoid about Internet piracy and the Internet in general, most likely feared that, somehow, for whatever reason, people would find a way "steal" rented movies on YouTube if they were streaming these movies on a rooted phone.

    While one cannot rule out such a possibility, the fact that pirated movies are already so readily available online, and in greater quality than what YouTube rentals will offer, suggest that a rooted Android phone running the YouTube rental app is unlikely to ever become a source for pirated content.

    And Android phones have just become another device in which studios have placed restrictions on access to legitimate content, restrictions that may just drive people towards piracy.

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  • drfsupercenter
    NOT an online superstore
    • Oct 2005
    • 4424

    Darn, guess that means I'm out as I rooted my phone.

    Also the thing about piracy is just plain silly - I have some URL sniffers that let me download videos from several different sites, and several of them work perfectly fine with movie rentals from YouTube - at least the free ones they were offering. So I don't really see the argument there.
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    • Budreaux
      Super Member
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      • Jan 2006
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      If you rooted your phone with the proper apps, then you have a back up rom of the original. If you wanted to watch a movie on demand from youtube, simply reboot to the original rom and then back when you are done watching the movie. The phone is essentially a nonrooted phone at that point.


      • dr_ml422
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • May 2007
        • 1903

        So much just to watch a movie on a 3 to 4 inch screen? That's why is really just the rush behind piracy. Let me see I'll undo my whole rooted phone watch w/e on a tiny screen and then root it again? Nah, I'd have to get paid for this and good too.

        The main point is Google's antiquated stance on freeware and all the above mentioned which is so not part of their opening act anymore. Funny, if you go to China or prolly any other non-democratic place they could care less wth you're downloading etc... Even in the caribbean like Puerto Rico the cops for the most part pass one by who's sellling boot DVDs, or even buy one. Believe me been there seen it.

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        • Budreaux
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          • Jan 2006
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          Rooting the device with the proper apps in place takes a single press of a button. It takes longer to log into your account than it does to root your device. I have back up roms of original settings and after initial root. Making a new back up current rom is just as simple. Get paid if ya like to do it, but you;d be overpaid for sure.


          • drfsupercenter
            NOT an online superstore
            • Oct 2005
            • 4424

            It takes a lot longer than a press of a button to restore a ROM though. And it depends on the device. I never had a backup image - and in fact, it's pretty much impossible with the Motorola Droid 2 to make a backup image without being rooted, due to the fact that you need root access to install the bootstrapper that lets you get into the custom recovery menu.

            Not that I really have any use for a non-rooted image. I'm just going to ignore the video on demand if Google is going to be this way about it.
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            • Budreaux
              Super Member
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              • Jan 2006
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              Originally Posted by drfsupercenter
              It takes a lot longer than a press of a button to restore a ROM though. And it depends on the device. I never had a backup image - and in fact, it's pretty much impossible with the Motorola Droid 2 to make a backup image without being rooted, due to the fact that you need root access to install the bootstrapper that lets you get into the custom recovery menu.

              Not that I really have any use for a non-rooted image. I'm just going to ignore the video on demand if Google is going to be this way about it.
              What apps are you using to do your backups, restores, etc?
              Alot longer than a press of a button is still a very short period of time. I'm running my Droid at Droid 2 specs with the overclocking. Like I said, it takes no time at all to do a back up restore.


              • drfsupercenter
                NOT an online superstore
                • Oct 2005
                • 4424

                ROM Manager by Koushic Datta or however it's spelled. I don't know of any other way to do nandroid backups - with the original Droid I was able to use SPRecovery as well but with the Droid 2, it has that same efuse thingy as the Droid X so you can't replace the stock recovery image - meaning I need to use Droid 2 Bootstrapper to get ClockworkMod as some sort of boot hijack.

                And the only way I know of to root it uses adb to transfer the superuser stuff over.
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                • dr_ml422
                  Lord of Digital Video
                  Lord of Digital Video
                  • May 2007
                  • 1903

                  What's the sense in all of it is my whole point? You mean that 1 day you're going to get up and say,"Oh, I feel like watching a movie on my Droid from YouTube etc... instead of my HDTV or w/e". That's my point. So tell me what's the drive to go through all that you just mentioned even if for you it's a zip move? Can you please help me understand? I need help. I really do.
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                  • Budreaux
                    Super Member
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                    • Jan 2006
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                    Because not everyone is setting at home n front of a tv. A lot of folks are traveling for work or with family. Having access to a movie like this is a great option to helping pass the time of traveling. As a parent, the ability to pop up a movie for a bored child on a long vacation travel is priceless.


                    • admin
                      • Nov 2001
                      • 8964

                      Also, watching your favourite movies and shows on the toilet saves a lot of time
                      Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


                      • dr_ml422
                        Lord of Digital Video
                        Lord of Digital Video
                        • May 2007
                        • 1903

                        Made my day!

                        Originally Posted by admin
                        Also, watching your favourite movies and shows on the toilet saves a lot of time
                        I'm going to have to concede to the toilet Bud and not because admin posted it, though he did so it is what it is. I seriously doubt that any child no matter whom, whether mine, yours etc... is going to automatically stop getting bored because you have a movie on a 4" screen. Otn, I hope you're not driving and watching that flic at the same time, because that bored moment is really going to come to an end soon one day!

                        We could all use a youtube moment though, so yes I'll support the post.

                        Bud you're my guy for the beautiful craftsmanship I've seen you post regarding the X-Box mod. I'll be you're answer to how you can chill in front of a TV and get paid. I'm not that guy, though I will show you the way my friend. Takes a lot of patience though.

                        New York, New York so nice they named it twice.
                        SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,

                        Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

                        Google is definitely our friend.

