UK Court Orders Newzbin2 To Be Blocked Within 14 Days, As NZBsRus Goes Down Too

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
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    UK Court Orders Newzbin2 To Be Blocked Within 14 Days, As NZBsRus Goes Down Too

    A lot of things happening on the Usenet scene in the UK, as one sites gets blocked, while another takes itself down due to legal threats.

    Back in July, British ISP BT was ordered by the court to use its child-porn filters to block Usenet indexing site Newzbin2, despite the new version of the original Newzbin no longer operating within the British Isles. This week, two parties involved in the case, BT and the MPA (the International arm of the MPAA) settled on the details of the court order, which basically means BT has 14 days to block access to Newzbin2 by its subscribers.

    Newzbin2's operators say that already have ways to allow users to bypass BT's block, and so the effectiveness of the court order is suspect.

    But another Usenet indexer, NZBsRus, has been taken down this past Friday as well in an unrelated incident. The owners of NZBsRus took the decision to take down the website after receiving a cease and desist notice from FACT, the Federation Against Copyright Theft, a UK based group that is heavily associated with the MPAA.

    Unlike sites of a similar nature, NZBsRus was run quite openly, without any real attempt to be hosted on a "friendly" ISP, or to hide the identify of the operators, as the new operators of Newzbin2 has done.

    The owners of NZBsRus say that no download logs has been kept, and that other private user information is safe. For now.
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    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2012
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    NZBSRUS Admins and Mods may not tell you the "actual" story. The truth is by the looks of things they didn't even know what was actually happening. This is the TRUTH. Don't ask me how I got this. Believe what you like. I just think some members deserve to know.

    H8MACHINE: "Not sure if someone told you teh lattest news, in case no one did, late me make it short.

    ContemptX sold the site to a south african guy. All the down time we had blamed on FACT was a scam, they we're moving the site to the newest owner. As for now, we have no idea whats going to happen.

    The part that really sucks is that ContemptX prolly made a shit load of money selling the site and didnt say shit to us, no gifts to staff for loyal services through out teh years, not even a ****in thank you. So we're pretty much all pissed at him."

    http: //
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    • aXL/NzBsRuS
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Apr 2012
      • 1

      Originally Posted by LOVEH8MACHINE
      NZBSRUS Admins and Mods may not tell you the "actual" story. The truth is by the looks of things they didn't even know what was actually happening. This is the TRUTH. Don't ask me how I got this. Believe what you like. I just think some members deserve to know.

      H8MACHINE: "Not sure if someone told you teh lattest news, in case no one did, late me make it short.

      ContemptX sold the site to a south african guy. All the down time we had blamed on FACT was a scam, they we're moving the site to the newest owner. As for now, we have no idea whats going to happen.

      The part that really sucks is that ContemptX prolly made a shit load of money selling the site and didnt say shit to us, no gifts to staff for loyal services through out teh years, not even a ****in thank you. So we're pretty much all pissed at him."

      http: //
      Direct Link:
      http: //
      well sorry for the late reply i have only just been informed of this

      the story above is not true as many bullshit rumours was flying about and we lost contact with the sysops

      one of the admin caught wind of this story and belived it and it was discussed in private msgs and private channel on irc

      we are looking into how the above person hacked h8machines account

      i spoke to sysops and the site has not been sold to a south African although contemptx has basically retired and we got a new sysop.

      in short stop spreading bullshit we talk to each other in private msgs, coz at the time we was trying to find out what was going on so much of what was said in private was the echos of rumours.

      then we found out a few days later the truth.

