Stats Show Search Engine Results Removal May Not Stop Piracy

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    Stats Show Search Engine Results Removal May Not Stop Piracy

    A new article on TechDirt tries to point out that even if the music and movie industries succeeds in the drastic step of forcing search engines such as Google and Bing to remove links to suspected piracy websites, it may not put much of a dent on web piracy at all.

    By analysing the visitor statistics of websites like The Pirate Bay and MegaUpload, and many others placed on the MPAA's own "notorious pirates" list, only around 15% of these site's traffic comes from search engines, with the other 85% coming from other website referrals, or just by using typing the domain name into their browsers.

    The Pirate Bay receives a slightly larger percentage of its web visitors from search engines, but that number is still just 28%. Interestingly, the top 16 search terms that drive traffic to TPB are all variations of the website's name or domain name, suggesting users using Google to get to TPB are already well aware of the website. So far from search engines like Google "pushing" users towards piracy and away from legitimate content sources, as the movie and music industry likes to claim, the reality is that people know what they want, and Google is just one (of many) ways to get it.

    But with search engine result filtering only doing so much, with majority of these website's traffic coming from links on other websites, could the copyright lobby's next move be to make a move towards banning or blocking websites that merely link to these "notorious" websites? SOPA and PIPA would allow entire sub-domains and IP addresses to be blocked just for a single link on a single page, the RIAA's chief has already confirmed via a recent op-ed piece on, and so the SOPA/PIPA blacklist could grow rather large, very quickly.
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  • drfsupercenter
    NOT an online superstore
    • Oct 2005
    • 4424

    You can just click "View takedown notice" which contains the full uncensored URL to the "banned" site
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    • admin
      • Nov 2001
      • 8964

      If SOPA/PIPA gets passed, there won't even be a takedown notice link because takedown notices won't be needed any more. Google will just filter the results away (although for "the pirate bay", the first result will become the Wikipedia page, which should still have a link to the website - unless the US government forces Wikipedia to remove the link as well).
      Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


      • drfsupercenter
        NOT an online superstore
        • Oct 2005
        • 4424

        Well yeah, I'm just saying that right now those takedown notices are stupid because you can still find the site by doing a bit of research.
        CYA Later:

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        • admin
          • Nov 2001
          • 8964

          Yes, that's true. And there will always be search engines that don't come under the jurisdiction of the US government.
          Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


          • drfsupercenter
            NOT an online superstore
            • Oct 2005
            • 4424

            I, for one, would find it funny if Google moved to Sweden
            CYA Later:

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