What computer language(s) do you know?

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  • MPS
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    • Mar 2003
    • 358


    or your own web browser


    • gd_nimrod
      • Nov 2002
      • 1128

      Hehehe, thanks guys for the input. I must say, its been over a month im in my CS class and really am learning a lot each day. Now that i look back at my first project ever, i see how plain and dull it is

      Yes, a math program would be cool, but a lot of work nontheless. Im using more and more different buttons now (not just option buttons) as i did for that program. Then again, VB6 is pretty limited as to what i can or can't do, but i must say it is a great program for programming beginners...

      OH, and yes Coolio is considered a rather "old school" artist, but maybe thats just hear in Canada
      Did you know you can SEARCH the forum? Fixes common problems too:

      Also search on the whole Digital-Digest website:


      • Oriphus
        Digital Video Technician
        Digital Video Technician
        • Aug 2003
        • 405

        VB6 is that limited. A lot of windows applications can be designed around it. C and C++ is what Windows programs are mainly designed in though. I did a web browser for one of my projects


        • Livewire
          • Jun 2003
          • 56

          If you want complete control, fewer bugs and quick code, you should use Borland stuff.

          Microsoft is just a pull-off copy of most other peoples' idea's. As a result, alot of it isn't properly thought out and is clumsy.
          Government throws more money at a problem, so it looks like they are making a difference.


          • techno
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Nov 2001
            • 1309

            well i got some fo****g good news

            my uni wants me to create a program for the stupid java department to run their stupid program from a CD instead of their crappy network

            time to show what beautiful technology MS HAS WOOOWW!!!!

            they gonna make about 400 copies of the program - cant wait. i volunteered to do it in the first place cause its just unbelievable how long it takes to load and run their program for the class.


            and well = what can i say?


            • chickeneater
              Digital Video Expert
              Digital Video Expert
              • Apr 2002
              • 672

              "time to show what beautiful technology MS HAS WOOOWW!!!!"

              ... first, java ain't stupid... MS doesn't have good technology... it may look beautiful, but it ain't great.
              FFDShow filters
              Guliverkli's Media Player Classic


              • Deus
                Super Member
                Super Member
                • Nov 2001
                • 284


                I wouldnt really count Html as a programming language tho, it too easy

                lol techno knows assembly too?


                • techno
                  Digital Video Master
                  Digital Video Master
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 1309


                  gonna be using it shortly again...need to make a better app for my MD - that stupid openmg program is craaapppp


                  • techno
                    Digital Video Master
                    Digital Video Master
                    • Nov 2001
                    • 1309

                    ROFL @ chickeneater - maybe if ppl understood....and have you done proper OOAD programming in java? :-/ doubt that


                    • Oriphus
                      Digital Video Technician
                      Digital Video Technician
                      • Aug 2003
                      • 405

                      A Java application that is slow? And an MS language, booted from a CD, that is faster. Aren't we talking more of relative speeds of the primary access units (ie CD-ROM's for the Disk and Network performance for the Java) rather than the programs themselves?

