The Worst Movie This Year

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  • rsquirell
    Digital Video Master
    Digital Video Master
    • Feb 2003
    • 1329

    Definitely true re. Osama....but I don't see any American weapons in the Iraqi arsenal...they seem to be all from the USSR, France(mirages) and Germany( the mobile chem labs and the supergun.) But I'm sure we probably provided Sadam with other support, back in the days we thought we could manage the situation using surrogates (as Lenin said, "Useful Idiots")


    • Oriphus
      Digital Video Technician
      Digital Video Technician
      • Aug 2003
      • 405

      Useful Idiots


      • rsquirell
        Digital Video Master
        Digital Video Master
        • Feb 2003
        • 1329

        Another great Lenin quote: " The Capitalist will sell us the rope we'll use to hang him with."


        • Oriphus
          Digital Video Technician
          Digital Video Technician
          • Aug 2003
          • 405

          ha ha ha HA HA HA

          It is very very true though.


          • rsquirell
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Feb 2003
            • 1329

            Don't know whether it's true or not...but a former card carrying communist friend told me thats Karl Marx's dying words were, " I am not a Marxist", referring to how the communist manifesto had been twisted by anarchists and lamers wanting to become dictators. As Mel Brooks says, "It's good to be the King."


            • MPS
              Digital Video Enthusiast
              Digital Video Enthusiast
              • Mar 2003
              • 358

              bottom line is - all orthodox, radical, extreme points of view/politics are going nowhere, they are more or less about one thing - bull s,hitting people into some stupid idea to xploit them.


              • rsquirell
                Digital Video Master
                Digital Video Master
                • Feb 2003
                • 1329

                The question is what's extreme? We Americans think of ourselves as rugged individualists craving personal freedom... but everytime we elected a democrat a little more of the communist manifesto has been enacted into law and we've come to accept it as the "American Way" (The Income Tax, Women's Sufferage, Child Labor Laws, Public Education, Public Works, Social Security, Public Health) Pogo said," We have met the enemy...and he is us."


                • MPS
                  Digital Video Enthusiast
                  Digital Video Enthusiast
                  • Mar 2003
                  • 358

                  "Your biggest enemy is not your competitor - it is your own team tripping over one another."


                  • Oriphus
                    Digital Video Technician
                    Digital Video Technician
                    • Aug 2003
                    • 405

                    Society needs both freedom and control. America really needs a free health care system for all that actually works.


                    • rsquirell
                      Digital Video Master
                      Digital Video Master
                      • Feb 2003
                      • 1329

                      MPS: U R correct.....Oriphus: Nobody goes without healthcare here. If U R bad off there's medicaid...if U R old there's medicare...most employers are required to have health insurance and workman's comp for all employees...and if that's not enough for you Cuba's 90 miles offshore (go defect). The Canadians tout their socialized medicine...but if they really get sick they come across the border and pay for it (90% of their population live within 100 miles of the border.) Sure it will work...if you have a safety valve like that.


                      • Oriphus
                        Digital Video Technician
                        Digital Video Technician
                        • Aug 2003
                        • 405

                        It doesnt work that often to be honest with you. There is a film with Denzel Washington based on a true story about a man's son needing immediate health care. It was a true story and shows that problems with America's health care are very very real. If you are in desperate need of an operation in the UK to live, you will get it. You wont in America. 7% of deaths in America each year are a direct result of the poor service allocated to those who dont have medical insurance, that was announced by the World Health Organisation in 2002.


                        • rsquirell
                          Digital Video Master
                          Digital Video Master
                          • Feb 2003
                          • 1329

                          Well if Denzel Washington was in it it must have been a true story...just like all those Oliver Stone hit pieces ( JFK, NIXON, and all those other left-wing history rewrites.) Who did the one on Citizen Kohn? And Hollywood claims not to have a left wing bias? Geeze!!!!


                          • MPS
                            Digital Video Enthusiast
                            Digital Video Enthusiast
                            • Mar 2003
                            • 358

                            and Oriphus, you're referring to "John Q"


                            • rsquirell
                              Digital Video Master
                              Digital Video Master
                              • Feb 2003
                              • 1329

                              Oriphus: Sure you don't get health care if you work for McDonalds....but it's teenagers who work for McDonnalds. Self-Employed people (Like me) can afford "catastrophic health insurance". For roughly $1,500/yr you can find insurance with a high deductable that'll kick in if you have something really bad go wrong. When someone doesn't have insurance it's because he chose not to have health insurance. But if the Democrats want to run on this issue, fine. When Hillary tried to jam Socialized Medicine down the American people's throat they lost the House of Representatives for the first time in 50 years. Nancy Pelosi said they didn't get their message out. I believe they did...and the American People heard them loud and clear.


                              • Oriphus
                                Digital Video Technician
                                Digital Video Technician
                                • Aug 2003
                                • 405

                                Some people cannot afford it. Those are the people who suffer. Even in the UK, i have private health care, but i still use the NHS (if i ever was to) if needed. America needs to sort its policies out in reference to looking after its people. Fighting battles in far away countries is not the right way to look after its people.

                                The Iraq war has already cost them over $200 billion probably much more. What if theat was spent on healthcare in the US? Or even to help homeless and starving. USA canbe a lost cause at times.

