The Worst Movie This Year

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  • rsquirell
    Digital Video Master
    Digital Video Master
    • Feb 2003
    • 1329

    I don't know who's propaganda you've been listening to...but nobodies starving here. We have food stamps, for christ sake. And public housing. And if you don't want to use them, there's family and friends who will help tide you over. There's usually something mentally wrong with people on the street. They usually don't have to be there. The percentages of people you point to is really very small....I was accosted by more beggars in Paris and St. Petersburg than I've seen in this country...and those are supposed to be "people's paradices" of socialism...oh, and friends in Russia say medical services suck there. Our medical is the best in the world. The good Canadian doctors come here where there aren't limits put on their salaries. They're stuck with the mediocre (which is why they come here if they want treatment.)


    • Oriphus
      Digital Video Technician
      Digital Video Technician
      • Aug 2003
      • 405

      You are obviously in the wrong parts of your country because According to the US Census Bureau, more than 35 million people in the USA live in poverty - 13 per cent of the population.


      • rsquirell
        Digital Video Master
        Digital Video Master
        • Feb 2003
        • 1329

        Our definition of poverty is a lot different than yours. When I worked as an EMT for an ambulance service I saw the seedier side of town all the time. I also speak fluent Russian...and have stayed there living with the people in their homes. The best Quatcera (Apartment...their home) was worse than the worse public housing section I've been in. Russians usually live 6 to a Quatcera (Father/mother/2 children/and 2 grandparents) in an apartment smaller than my living room. Screw your socialism!!!!


        • setarip
          • Dec 2001
          • 24955

          To rsquirell

          Just put a domavoy in Oriphus' dacha and be done with it, paka ;>}

          (Or, better yet, some rusty nails in his batinkys)

          Spahkony nochy...

          By the way, is this thread really captioned "The Worst Movie This Year"? Am I missing the relevance?

          Seriously (not trying to "bust 'em"), I've also been meaning to ask you "Rocky", did you intentionally misspell "squirrel" in your screenname?
          Last edited by setarip; 15 Sep 2003, 02:15 PM.


          • rsquirell
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Feb 2003
            • 1329

            LOL...yes...that way I can be rsquirell on all the forums...someone else spelled it right in msgames. MPS gave us we've been having fun on this thread...and goodnight to you, too (Spahkony nochy)


            • MPS
              Digital Video Enthusiast
              Digital Video Enthusiast
              • Mar 2003
              • 358

              permission has been granted to anyone above 50 post counts, so u'r safe


              • MPS
                Digital Video Enthusiast
                Digital Video Enthusiast
                • Mar 2003
                • 358

                back to the Bush quotes, i found a couple more

                "- I went to the Koyote conference...
                - no, it's Kioto
                - that's a very good car"

                "This country will not be taken hostile... erm... hostage"

                "A lot of our imports are coming from the other countries"

                Last edited by MPS; 17 Sep 2003, 02:59 AM.


                • echooff
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • May 2003
                  • 27

                  This is an interesting thread. Having lived in Europe for 5 years and with relatives there I agree that our people living in poverty in the U.S. are more than middle class in Europe. Just a side note, The true guardian of freedom is an iron clad right to own and use property. This has been the only country in the world that had this. This is now being eroded. Most economist (besides brainless lefties) are now starting to believe that government interference and decision making caused and deepened the depression. Roosevelts socialist actions prolonged it. The world did not come out of the depression until the war happened. We americans do elect some seemingly bad politicians, (some truely are) but what makes anyone think theirs is a better way? Take the French (just as an example) all of their political leaders attend and graduate from the same exclusive school. What makes you think these people care about what happens to anyone but them and their power. They have a pretty tight control over the press. Not because of laws (they do have quite a lot) but through their version of the good ole boy system, hence very little criticism or oposition. European politicians of all political parties are socialist. Any even mildly unbiased look at it and history would have to label it a failure. Like all leftist ideas it sounds great, but is seriously out touch with reality. These politicians haven't had a new idea since Marx died. Lets face it politicians suck.

                  On a more serious note. Solaris can only be labeled a stinker of the first order.
                  Last edited by echooff; 17 Sep 2003, 03:22 AM.


                  • Oriphus
                    Digital Video Technician
                    Digital Video Technician
                    • Aug 2003
                    • 405

                    there I agree that our people living in poverty in the U.S. are more than middle class in Europe.
                    Man - you must be completely nuts!!!!
                    This has been the only country in the world that had this
                    Also, one of the only countries in the world that is hated by the rest of the world.
                    European politicians of all political parties are socialist
                    I havent really got a comment for that - its just so stupid.
                    Lets face it politicians suck
                    I agree with that now


                    • echooff
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • May 2003
                      • 27


                      Having read through this thread I figured you would answer if anyone would. You have such conviction in your statements. In kind regards to your answers:

                      there I agree that our people living in poverty in the U.S. are more than middle class in Europe.

                      "Man - you must be completely nuts!!!! "

                      I have lived in both places for extended periods of time (Europe for 5 years) i am stating this from first hand observation. While there are people who fall below this standard they are a minute percentage of the population. All the news you read and hear is advocacy: pure and simple.

                      People and things that are not not understood are often hated. Most of the vitriol aimed at the U.S. is done by the socialist, i.e communist, who can't admit they are living a failed utopiaist vision.

                      The true sign of a socialist, i.e. communist, is instead of logical, well thought out arguements in support of their position they start name calling and attempt to make themselves look intellectually superior. What it is, is a transparent window into a void.

                      Step back and pay attention to what you hear and read in the press and elsewhere and the retorical devices start to stand out. While travelling in Sicily I rounded a curve in the road to fine a whole flock of sheep in the middle of the road with their head down in one position. At first I thought the shepard had fed them there, but soon realised one had placed his head down and the rest joined in. Most people are sheep, blindly following a leader while loudly proclaiming their independence. What you have to decide is if you want to join the flock or not.


                      • rsquirell
                        Digital Video Master
                        Digital Video Master
                        • Feb 2003
                        • 1329

                        Well, actually you have private property in Communist countries, too. When you are high enough up in the party the rules don't apply to you, anymore. So when you sic the Bolshevicks on those "rich guys" and seize their property for the state...well you are the state ("L'etat, C'est moi,"....LouisXVI). How do you think the twelve men who Forbes Magazine calls "The Oligarchs" were able to buy up the whole infrastructure of the USSR when they privatized? They were government employees. In a communist country you Beekshe Derma (Russian for Bullsh*t) the population into believing the ideal...and if you have the power, you live like a king. (They called it RHIP in the Army (Rank Has It's Priviledge)...and the word "Soviet" means "Good Advice". Wake up, Oriphus! Everyone's after improving their station in life. Don't let someone Beekshe Derma you into giving up your freedom or money.


                        • Batman
                          Lord of Digital Video
                          Lord of Digital Video
                          • Jan 2002
                          • 2317

                          How does everything these days end in politics?

                          Regardless, I agree that the HULK is a horrible movie. It has "emotion", plenty of it, but nothing else.


                          • Oriphus
                            Digital Video Technician
                            Digital Video Technician
                            • Aug 2003
                            • 405

                            Im wide awake and happy being a capitolistic member of society and would never want a more socialist democratic situation. However, i do like to point out again:
                            there I agree that our people living in poverty in the U.S. are more than middle class in Europe.

                            "Man - you must be completely nuts!!!! "

                            I have lived in both places for extended periods of time (Europe for 5 years) i am stating this from first hand observation. While there are people who fall below this standard they are a minute percentage of the population. All the news you read and hear is advocacy: pure and simple.
                            I have been to 16 states in the US and i have been to virtually all of the European countries, and i live in one. That certainly does not qualify me to make judgment on whether someone is poverty stricken or whether they are not. However, i didnt pass my own judgement. Being in poverty (as layed out by Human Rights legislation by UN) is a set type of living. The figures i quoted were off USA's poverty level. You cannot try and say that you think Middle class in Europe is like poverty in USA. I live in Europe. We have two expensive houses and a brand new BMW745IL as one of our cars. We are middle class. How many poverty strucken Americans have this? Your point is completely ridiculous and somewhat naïve.

                            The true sign of a socialist, i.e. communist, is instead of logical, well thought out arguements in support of their position they start name calling and attempt to make themselves look intellectually superior. What it is, is a transparent window into a void.
                            Man, your knowledge really does take the biscuit. If you dont know what your talking about i would advise you not to make these comments as it makes you look stupid.
                            What you have to decide is if you want to join the flock or not.
                            Im afraid most Americans would be in that flock, believing what the blessed TV tells them. How many Americans new were Vietnam or Korea was??? Yet how many of them were saying in ionterviews 'go kick their asses boys' in reference to the American failed wars?


                            • rsquirell
                              Digital Video Master
                              Digital Video Master
                              • Feb 2003
                              • 1329

                              All of the wars of the past century were set up by Democrat ( Communist/Peace people.) Wilson got us into WWI by shipping arms on commercial shipping (Lucitania). FDR set up Pearl Harbor after trying to get us to go to the aide of his soul-mate Stalin by setting up Lendlease and having our destroyers confront Uboats didn't work. HST fired McArthur when he proposed a fool-proof plan to keep Red China out of Korea (irradiate the Yalu). And VietNam was a JFK/LBJ clusterf*ck where the very people who started our involvement prevented us from decisively conducting that conflict successfully. And who do they blame? Nixon...the guy who promised to get us out of that fiasco (and did.) BTW...I reenlisted to go to VietNam after LBJ announced he wasn't running and everybody knew it was a lost cause.


                              • Oriphus
                                Digital Video Technician
                                Digital Video Technician
                                • Aug 2003
                                • 405

                                I think your opinions on world history are quite strange, but i suppose everyone is entitled to their own views. USA is a democratic society (u elect dont you) so what does:
                                All of the wars of the past century were set up by Democrat ( Communist/Peace people.)

