The Worst Movie This Year

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  • rsquirell
    Digital Video Master
    Digital Video Master
    • Feb 2003
    • 1329

    The US was a democracy under the original articles of confederation and throughout the revolutionary war with that nasty european country... . But after the revolution a guy named Shays won election in Massachusetts and got a law passed forgiving the debts of soldiers. This scared the money people...and they were afraid to lend "seed money"...which was devestating for an agrarian a democracy it was demonstrated that people could vote that the minority could be forced to give up their property. So the Constitutional
    Convention was convened....and afterwards we've been a Republic where we elect representatives to conduct government business. A true democracy is about as close to true communism as you can get.


    • setarip
      • Dec 2001
      • 24955

      To rsquirell

      1) Do you mean Dolph Schayes, of the Syracuse Nationals and Philadelphia 76ers fame? ;>}

      2) Trying to reasonably explain/justify practical Democracy versus democracy (anarchy) to those outside the U.S. is like trying to explain practical Communism versus communism (TRUE Marxism) to those INSIDE any of the former Soviet Republics

      3) The medical term for the responses you've evoked is "penis envy"

      Those of us who know the truth are comfortable with just that - knowing it...


      • rsquirell
        Digital Video Master
        Digital Video Master
        • Feb 2003
        • 1329

        Yes...U R right. It would take a treatise to fully describe what's really going on. In the CIS I've found that the old people who lost their pensions want communism to return...but the young who lived under it are happy for its demise. The problem is a new generation is growing up who never experienced the tyrannies of the actual experience...and they are being BSed by the idealistic propaganda.


        • setarip
          • Dec 2001
          • 24955

          1) Ah, "the arrogance of youth" (or, per "My Cousin Vinnie", "Ah, de arrogance of utes")...

          2) It's almost cliche but, if the U.S. is not the best place to live, and is "evil", and to be reviled, I wonder why so many people, from so many different countries continue to seek residency (legally or otherwise) and/or citizenship there

          3) Perhaps these same people will now prefer instead to seek residency in Canada, due to its recently liberalized attitude toward marijuana - Or, perhaps, Australia, because of its topless beaches, or Mexico, because of its drinking water, or France, because of its strong sense of camaraderie, or the UK, because of its "low" income taxes, or the Philipines, because of their safe and orderly election process, or China because of its "interesting" population control methods (amongst myriad other things), or Saudi Arabia, because of its modern treatment of women and its "honest" approach to terrorism, or North Korea, because of its fantastic agrarian program, or Norway/Sweden/Finland for their "fine" weather and related suicide rates, or Colombia, because of its continuing kidnapping/killing "competition" amongst rebel groups and drug lords, or Japan, where you too can live in a 10 square foot box called "home", or Italy, because of its wonderful approach to government (Oops, it's already been two weeks. Time to elect a new Government), or Venezuela, on the verge of either replicating Argentina of the 1970s or being utterly bankrupted by a dictator - I could go on, but why bother?

          Again, those of us who know the truth are comfortable with just that - knowing it...


          • MPS
            Digital Video Enthusiast
            Digital Video Enthusiast
            • Mar 2003
            • 358

            @all: why not start a thread called "Views about the politix - USa vs, the rest of the world? Which sux the most? (cause every country does in a way)"


            • setarip
              • Dec 2001
              • 24955

              To MPS

              I think Lichtenstein is delightful ;>}


              • MPS
                Digital Video Enthusiast
                Digital Video Enthusiast
                • Mar 2003
                • 358

                but look how not-developed is their agriculture how many m2 of land they got to farm?


                • setarip
                  • Dec 2001
                  • 24955

                  To MPS

                  (Regarding Lichtenstein)

                  I'm sure you realize I was only kidding...


                  • rsquirell
                    Digital Video Master
                    Digital Video Master
                    • Feb 2003
                    • 1329

                    The rest of the world hasn't changed since the Pharoes. Oh, the ruling structure has moved from GodKings to "Devine Right" of Kings (blessed by God, Emporers and Socialist Totalitarian Dictators...but the infrastructure they rule over has remained constant...Feudalism. You have your place and you stay there. They've always had mercantile capitalists who they extort protection money from...but in a country run by those mercantile capitalists a person is freer to achieve his full an individual. But since the rest of the world doesn't allow this to happen, I suppose it's cruel to rub their noses in it. Arise, have nothing to lose but your chains!!!


                    • Oriphus
                      Digital Video Technician
                      Digital Video Technician
                      • Aug 2003
                      • 405

                      Interesting points setarip about carious countries to live in, and its all fairly true to. But there are a lot of good things about the countries you mentioned also. I didnt see in your comments though, anything about the 40,000 people killed by guns each year, and the high crime rate. America is a vast country and social differences are vast from one state to the next. I'll admit, parts of it are very nice and i'd love to live there myself. But America has too many problems and im happy where i live at the min.


                      • MPS
                        Digital Video Enthusiast
                        Digital Video Enthusiast
                        • Mar 2003
                        • 358

                        I'm sure you realize I was only kidding...
                        the same goes to u


                        • t3ch
                          H4x0r of Gibsons
                          • Mar 2003
                          • 113

                          There's no way in hell I'm reading all these posts.

                          Not to mention I see the first post suggesting the hulk as a bad movie, then on the last page "The US was a democracy under the....". Quite off topic as well I assume.

                          Anyways, I'm going to throw my vote in for underworld as the crappiest movie this year.

                          Then again, that's only because I never saw gili.
                          OGSTH! my webpage
                          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard, be evil.


                          • Oriphus
                            Digital Video Technician
                            Digital Video Technician
                            • Aug 2003
                            • 405

                            Yeah - it does look pretty pathetic, the only redeaming factor being Kate Beckinsale in it


                            • t3ch
                              H4x0r of Gibsons
                              • Mar 2003
                              • 113

                              The only good thing in the movie was beckinsale in leather... very tight leather... glimmering in the dark like a sexy little--

                              err uh
                              OGSTH! my webpage
                              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard, be evil.


                              • Oriphus
                                Digital Video Technician
                                Digital Video Technician
                                • Aug 2003
                                • 405

                                u getting carried away lol - make sure to have the keyboard guard on

