Hey Admin

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    Ok, I've had quite a few complaints about this thread, especially stuff that may be considered racist. Time to tone it down a little, or I'll have to close this thread and maybe even remove it from the face of history, just like Democratic voting ballots in Florida.
    Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


    • rsquirell
      Digital Video Master
      Digital Video Master
      • Feb 2003
      • 1329

      That's the problem with trying to have a honest conversation with a black person and a liberal... they scream "racist" and "mccarthyism" when they get behind the power curve...and they try to stiffle opposition voices. Kerry's reaction to the swift boat vets was to sue not them (because they'd countersue and demand he sign form 108 and release his REAL military records) but sue the media stations carrying their message. The only documented "disenfranchized voters" in Florida 2000 were the thousands of military absentee ballots ( mostly republican) which the democrats refused to count. Levison was an avowed card-carrying communist until the day he died ( that's a fact.) I consider ANY governmental program that discriminates based solely on the color of one's skin to be racist. And pointing this out makes ME a racist? That's the reason Republicans (and white folks in general) shy away from an open and honest discussion of the issue. I was wrong about the truck drivers...they haven't been charged with anything, yet. But refusing an order to go into harm's way is not the same as refusing to carry out an unlawful order...they'll probably be charged with cowardice and refusing to obey a lawful order...and I didn't see any white faces on the six o'clock news.


      • ormonde
        Digital Video Explorer
        • Dec 2003
        • 3735

        In light of the reprimand from "admin", I won't be posting further to this thread until after the election. I think we all need time to reflect and really consider very carefully the direction that this country is headed. I'll leave it with my own personal view. I believe we are on a road called "Dangerous" (we have been on that road for quite some time - well before Bush became president). George Bush is driving in a car at 100 mph down the road recklessly (without a safety belt on). John Kerry is driving down the same road at 60 mph (with a safety belt on). The point of this is that both men are still driving down the SAME road (called Dangerous). We eventually need to "Change" roads. It's all up to the American people now to hopefully begin to ponder "Changing Roads", as the road that we have been traveling on for some time is a dangerous one. We all need to come to the realization of that. Good luck at the polls.


        • admin
          • Nov 2001
          • 8964

          The "No politics" rule will come into effect shortly after the election. I may leave this thread open for an extra day or two after the results are known.
          Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


          • rsquirell
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Feb 2003
            • 1329

            I want to appologize to ormonde...I didn't realize he'd react so drastically when I gored his ox...it points out the futility of trying to bring him around to my way of thinking. "Affirmative Action" isn't a campaign issue...but it IS and issue in American life...it's just bubbling under the surface, and until people can approach it in a rational, nonemotional manner it's not going to go away. I encourage people to do their own research on the matter...just typing in "MLK communist" into google brings up 54,000 hits. But this election is not about that. "Affirmative Action" is going to be with us for a long time, and won't be changed by the results of this election. What IS the issue is...WE ARE AT WAR...and this time we can't just say, "We Quit" and have the war end. We're going to be attacked whether we respond or not...and during these dangerous times a Major Party has presented us with a candidate who committed Treason by actively working for the enemy during time of war...and if you research his voting record, he's actively supported every enemy to this country that has come down the pike...from the USSR, the Sandanistas, and now the terrorists. What's unbelievable is he even shows up on the radar screen and the race is close. The Dems tried the threat of a Draft to scare young people (Charlie Rangel, Democrat, NY, authored the bill...Republicans voted it down last week)...but keep this in mind...if Kerry gets elected you WILL need a draft...to fill the shoes of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who will get out because they don't want to go in harms way when an enemy of their country is Commander-In-Chief covering their backs. Been there...done that.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by rsquirell; 31 Oct 2004, 01:35 AM.


            • setarip
              • Dec 2001
              • 24955

              To rsquirell From setarip

              Just for clarification:

              "That's the problem with trying to have a honest conversation with a black person and a liberal... they scream 'racist' and 'mccarthyism'"

              Unless there's something I've overlooked in ormode's posts to this thread, I'm the only poster who's made reference to:

              "A) Are you posting as an openly racist person? Several of your diatribes certainly indicate that this is the case. These forums, notwithstabding this category's "Off Topic" title, are no place for exhibiting such prejudices

              B)Sounds like you believe Senator Joe McCarthy's witchhunts were justified..."

              And neither my pigmentation nor my political persuasion (both of which are unknown to you) had any bearing on my questions and observations about your posts to this thread...


              • rsquirell
                Digital Video Master
                Digital Video Master
                • Feb 2003
                • 1329

                Oh...I missed that that post came from you setarip. It's been a long week, and between work, deck building and political diatribe I've been a tad tired, lately...


                • rsquirell
                  Digital Video Master
                  Digital Video Master
                  • Feb 2003
                  • 1329

                  Again, my appologies to ormonde. I knew he was too politically savvy to serve me up a homerun on election eve. The rest of this post is TO Setarip: "By the way (and "admin" may be surprised), I am of the opinion that, eventually, although perhaps not in our lifetime, China will become THE world leader - by peaceful, economic means." ( A Kerry win will go a long way toward achieving that end)..."my political persuasion (both unknown to you)" (aw...I think I can figure that out...another thing I don't know is your nationality). Would pointing out the Red Chinese Communists are....Communists...be McCarthyistic? ewwww....Witch Hunt, Witch Hunt. Would pointing out that John Kerry used his group "Vietnam Vets Against the War" in a coordinated manner in conjunction with and at the behest of the North Vietnamese Communists while they were the enemy during time of war be McCarthyistic? ewwww....Witch Hunt, Witch Hunt. Is pointing out that Bill Clinton worked on behalf of our enemy, the KGB through the British Peace Council McCarthyistic? Is pointing out that Bill Clinton worked for Red Communist China's People's Liberation Army (Intelligence) during time of war McCarthyistic? Why do Elitist rich people like Kerry want communism? Because they think they're better than us and they want to be King...and in today's secular world they can skip all the religious rigamarol of being "annointed by God" to gain legitamacy to rule through "Devine Right" as the "Chosen One" by opting for communism and setting themselves up as Socialist Totalitarian Dictators. Communism is very rewarding (if you're at the top)...12" public servants" somehow found the billions to buy up Russia's infrastructure during "privatization". A Dictator can stiffle opposition voices by simply killing them...Stalin killed 20 million Rusians during the purge...and starved 8 million Ukranians to death for opposing him....Mao killed 100 million. To those who think we'll have "gridlock" with aa democrat president and a republican legislature I have to point out that Bill Clinton circumvented the Constitution and legislature by issuing thousands of "Executive Orders"...and "activist judges" issued thousands of judicial fiats to achieve their ends. Clinton (like Kerry) promised a middle class tax cut- but the first thing he did after election was to raise everybody's taxes. Did you type "MLK Communist" into google? 54000 hits...where there's smoke there's fire. Somewhere in there you'll find where the FBI was sued to release Martin Luther King's Top Secret file before the Senate had to vote on MLK Day. A federal judge took a look at the file and sealed it for 40 years...it won't become available to the public until 2027...would he do that if there was ANY exonerating evidence or doubt? When the black heroes, MLK and Muhhamud Ali, came out strongly against the war, the Army had a hard time getting blacks to volunteer for special operations units. The same holds true today-at a Ranger Reunion Banquet at Fort Stewart the 3 blacks in the 1st Ranger Battalion sat next to me to glom onto some war stories. But to be fair, only 1/10 of 1 percent of the men in the military did anything closely resembling what I did. Men in the combat arms comprize only 10% of the military and sacrifice a lot to preserve and protect our constitution and the carefree American lifestyle you've grown up expecting as your birthrite. It's that constitution which guarantees your right to speak your mind...and the freedoms you've grown accustomed to. If those men think their sacrifice is for something other than that "scrap of paper" they're going to leave the first chance they get...and they're the ones who'll have to be replaced by a draft. A Kerry win might just guarantee you draft-age men the opportunity to experience up close and personal what it's like to live in a true Socialist Totalitarian Dictatorship- as a trigger-puller private in the US Army.
                  Last edited by rsquirell; 2 Nov 2004, 01:06 AM.


                  • setarip
                    • Dec 2001
                    • 24955

                    To rsquirell

                    "A Kerry win might just guarantee you draft-age men the opportunity to experience up close and personal what it's like to live in a true Socialist Totalitarian Dictatorship- as a trigger-puller private in the US Army."

                    You're just full of assumptions.

                    Two other things you don't know about me are my age and gender (in addition to the previously mentioned skin pigmentation and political leaning) ;>}


                    • rsquirell
                      Digital Video Master
                      Digital Video Master
                      • Feb 2003
                      • 1329

                      I know...but it was such an obvious set-up pitch I had to hit it. BTW...I meant everything I said...and can back it up with documentation. You might be right about China...with Clinton's commerce department (Ron Brown) shipping all our manufacturing facilities (and ormonde's job) there. We were unbeatable as the "Arsenal of Democracy" during WW II because of our large manufacturing infrastructure...and now, with this "New Economy" where the product is hot air...I fear for this country.


                      • setarip
                        • Dec 2001
                        • 24955

                        "I know...but it was such an obvious set-up pitch I had to hit it"

                        No, it's quite apparent that you DON'T know.

                        Apparently you've not considered that:

                        1) Someone with a positive military past might disagree with you

                        2) Someone posting to these forums might conceivably be older than you

                        3) Someone who may not be black (perhaps even of your same skin pigmentation) might view some of your remarks as blatantly racist

                        4) People other than "liberals" may see reason to disagree with you

                        5) Someone is actually looking forward to "admin" not only closing but, hopefully, deleting this thread - so that naive "babes in the wood" aren't confronted with possibly divisive rhetoric

                        Regardless, this will be my final post to this thread...


                        • rsquirell
                          Digital Video Master
                          Digital Video Master
                          • Feb 2003
                          • 1329

                          Our life experiences are obviously different. I'm sorry you feel that way. Perhaps you were never spat on after returning from combat because of a coordinated smear campaign.
                          Attached Files


                          • ormonde
                            Digital Video Explorer
                            • Dec 2003
                            • 3735

                            Now that George W. Bush has "Handily" won re-election, here are a few things we can expect to see in the coming days of the second term of his Administration:

                            1. There will be a massive assault on insurgent strongholds in Iraq - particularly in Fallujah. A new study entitled "Mortality Before And After The 2003 Invasion of Iraq: A Cluster Sample Survey" has suggested at least 100,000 Iraqis were killed in the invasion and subsequent bombings. It appears in Britain's foremost medical journal "The Lancet" and was conducted by researchers at Columbia University, Johns Hopkins and Al-Mustansiriya in Baghdad.

                            2. Within the next 4 years, the Administration and Congress will work vigorously to "Privatize" Social Security and Medicare. The investment firms will be managing our money.

                            3. The passage of "Patriot II" will almost certainly be enacted- now that the Republicans have gained even more control of the Senate and House thus giving the government even greater authority to snoop into our private matters.

                            4. In light of Chief Justice William Rehnquist's recent health concerns, and Justice John Paul Stevens being 84 years old, and Justice Sandra Day O'Connor being 74, there will be most likely be 3 Supreme Court vacancies for Bush to fill. The future nominees will of course be very conservative - say goodbye to Roe v. Wade.

                            I have to say that the Republicans played a very good ground game in this election. They very successfully out maneuvered the Democrats. This is Karl Rove's strong suit no doubt. rsquirell was right - the demographic of this country hasn't changed much in 15 years. The values of most people are staunchly conservative.
                            Last edited by ormonde; 4 Nov 2004, 12:51 PM.


                            • admin
                              • Nov 2001
                              • 8964

                              Now that the election result is know, I'll leave this thread open for only another day to reflect, then it will be closed.
                              Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


                              • rsquirell
                                Digital Video Master
                                Digital Video Master
                                • Feb 2003
                                • 1329

                                All I can say is, "Whew!" There's a lot of things I don't like about Bush...but the alternative was ghastly. Dems should court Zell Miller or find some other Harry Truman/ Scoop Jackson democrat if they want to win a national election. Hillary is another disaster waiting to happen.

