Don't have any cheap theaters here anymore. They are all over priced.
What is your most hated film of 2004/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009/2010/2011/2012/2013?
I hope he at least gets nominated, because you're right in that he pulled you into the character. I enjoy watching movies and seeing their characters, not the star. Like Brad Pitt in Kalifornia, or DiCaprio in Gilbert Grape.
He did do a great job, but there's always those who'll wonder if they should really vote for a comic book character, you know? Comic book movies have come a long way from their cheese-infested predecessors, but there's still that little bit of stigma. I'll have a devil of a time getting my old man to watch either Dark Knight or Begins for that very reason. It's too bad, because I know he'd enjoy them.Comment
I had a similar situation about getting someone to watch Batman Begins.In the end they ended up loving it, and attended the Dark Knight movie on opening day.
I think in a few years some of the "snobby voters" will either wake up, or step down because they don't get today's movies and audience.
I am with you 100%.I hope he at least gets nominated. IHMO Ledger stole Bales thunder that's for darn sure.This was not a Batman ride, it was all an emotional Joker roller coaster ride,and you had NO choice but to ride itComment
I have to agree. Ledger was an exceptional actor. What a tragic loss.
Our family first enjoyed his acting in "10 Things I Hate About You", and as the Joker, What a step up and he mastered so well.
I hope he gets an award because he earned it, not because he is gone.
As to the expense part of the movies, I say bring back the Drive-In's. I remember loading up about 10 people in a truck with lawnchairs and goodies for the entry price of 10 bucks. Not that long ago the last movie then was "Titanic".
As far as the title of this thread. Worst movie in this era "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". And My still favorite. "Million Dollar Baby."
Hi fellas. Think Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was bad. My other 1/2 saw Bag Head which just by the title wouldn't warrant my attention. It's an Indie flic though I think. Hope so. Lol... Mongol is a great Indie flic about Ghengis Khan. I had no idea how much he suffered before getting revenge and becoming the conqueror he was. Baby was great. Clint has been no joke for a while now. Beowulf wasn't bad either and the animated human effects were great too. The Academy to me has done so much injustice and has been so bias that it merits none of my time whatsoever. You mean to tell me it took them several decades to give Pacino his Oscar, and for Scent of a Woman also? What happen to Dog Day Afternoon, Serpico, and the one that blew everyone away, The Godfather. Scarface because of the content or even the time at which it came out was also a hit in my book. I mean really, if Denzel could get an Oscar for Training Day... know what I mean. No knock to Denzel he's top billing and a superb actor. Once in a while they'll pull out an inflatable screen around the way here and show a good oldie for free. Drive-ins were fun. I remember my first one and also remember never to forget the bug spray. They ate me alive the 1st time. Lol...SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,
Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.
Google is definitely our friend.Comment
Please God, make it so. And the critics who rip apart most comedies because they're judging them to really high standards. Sometimes, a movie is supposed to be stupid to make you laugh. They're not all aiming for an Oscar!
Hi Guys,
Can't wait till August 1 ... I am going to see "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" ... that ought to be a kick ass movie.
dr_ml ... I guess you'll be at the theatres that weekend also!BTW, your City again has been nominated as the USA No. 1 Most Expensive City in America to live in. Average rent for a 2 bedroom, luxury condo in the city is $4500 a month. Heck that is my wages in a month. I guess I can't live in NY.
Just so you guys know.Admin was gracious enough to add spoiler tags for usComment
See that button in the quick reply that says SP.All you do is highlight the spoiler part of your text and hit the buttonComment
Hi gonwk. I will most likely see the Mummy movie and probably 10,000 Leagues under the Sea. Fraser's good and funny. Remember George of the Jungle and the caveman one w/Pauly Shore?
So you found out the rent in NYC. It doesn't matter but you probably know which of the 2 I have. The deal or rich. Lol....SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,
Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.
Google is definitely our friend.Comment
Looks good. Sutherland is great. Hope they bring back 24. A movie wouldn't be bad either.SAMSUNG SH-S203B, SAMSUNG SH-S223F,
Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.
Google is definitely our friend.Comment
I think my most disappointing new film this year was Hancock, it looked good on the trailers yet the story was garbled and seemed to be there just to allow the CGI effects...."There will come a moment when you have the chance to do the right thing......"
"I Love those moments - I like to wave at them as they pass by...."
Stop !! Before you post read this !
cynthia is Queen of the smilies !Comment