phli has some real moral issues. the TO pass for option is a good idea. From what I heard he'll either end up with Texans(good luck with a ring there) or GB and I don't think they want him. once he's gone I think Mcnabb will be his old winning self. the NFL season is tough enough on these guys without adding TO garbage to the load. He'd be great if his brain controled his mouth. to jm, I'm sorry your team is going though this, even though I've hated the Eagles since childhood, I respect there talent and would not wish the TO virus on anyone. So when the Eagles play the Giants I hope we win but any true Giant fan will not really consider it a true win. guess we'll wait for next year to start hating each other again. 
BR7, Your team looks tough enough to take the whole damn thing and I hate to love them doing it. I've always admired the attitude of that team with it's grid iron approach to the game. they never give up and I think you might have the year as long as injuries stay minimal.
as for my GB team, I wish them the best next year but they will be hard pressed to get an 500 this season, Farve deserves better, and it is a testiment to him that sidelilne chatter never counts him out in even to the last minute. the word is that he's either going to take a deal for 2 yr in Balt or Buff. they can't trade him but if he leaves on his own he's got a home somewhere for at least 2. that Town loves that man and to fire him would kill attendance.
the last thing I got is the Jets. I hate this team more than any other(the fans are like the kid that made anoying noises when you were a child) and is DeBurg still playing this friggin Game???!!! He's got to be turning 50! I remember him from the year the Skins took the SB last. Are they getting a tax break by hiring the elderly, there QB pit totals over a 100 years of experience. I guess they really believe in age before beauty.
Any thoughts on the Coaches in the hot seat boys, injuries aside.
that's all I got congrats to BR7 on not only a great pick week but the man is up to 3 greens, you earned them bro. I'd give you more but it won't let me. and thank you both for the greens that you gave me I'm in at 4 greens now. I'm starting with a guiness now in the hopes that I can be drunk enough to tolerate a IND game with a weakened PATS. I don't know about you but I don't think Manning wants to win it this way, it just hurts them the next time they play because we know the PATS will rise again.

BR7, Your team looks tough enough to take the whole damn thing and I hate to love them doing it. I've always admired the attitude of that team with it's grid iron approach to the game. they never give up and I think you might have the year as long as injuries stay minimal.
as for my GB team, I wish them the best next year but they will be hard pressed to get an 500 this season, Farve deserves better, and it is a testiment to him that sidelilne chatter never counts him out in even to the last minute. the word is that he's either going to take a deal for 2 yr in Balt or Buff. they can't trade him but if he leaves on his own he's got a home somewhere for at least 2. that Town loves that man and to fire him would kill attendance.
the last thing I got is the Jets. I hate this team more than any other(the fans are like the kid that made anoying noises when you were a child) and is DeBurg still playing this friggin Game???!!! He's got to be turning 50! I remember him from the year the Skins took the SB last. Are they getting a tax break by hiring the elderly, there QB pit totals over a 100 years of experience. I guess they really believe in age before beauty.
Any thoughts on the Coaches in the hot seat boys, injuries aside.
that's all I got congrats to BR7 on not only a great pick week but the man is up to 3 greens, you earned them bro. I'd give you more but it won't let me. and thank you both for the greens that you gave me I'm in at 4 greens now. I'm starting with a guiness now in the hopes that I can be drunk enough to tolerate a IND game with a weakened PATS. I don't know about you but I don't think Manning wants to win it this way, it just hurts them the next time they play because we know the PATS will rise again.