dr - the picking of the winning team and the exact scores for the away and home tie breakers is hard so we could give a point to all the people that do it every week regardless if they win the week or not. I looked at this year and it has not been done so far. But there still coulda been a weekly tie this week using the 4 tie breakers, and still woulda been a tie if they both got a point for the exact tie breakers or closest to them because they picked them exactly, but there wasn't.
If the weekly winner gets the 4 tie breakers exact too the weekly winner would get 2 extra points for the week, 1 for the 4 tie breakers exact and 1 for the weekly win even if the tie breakers did not come into play.
uufta is the current leader and would hafta agree. I think he will because of the same chance of getting the 4 tie breakers exact and getting an extra point.
dr on winning week 7 by breaking the tie with closest to the total score!!!
7 weeks 6 different winners
Been working on the tie breaker thingie. The time posted woulda been nice because no 2 people could post at the same time especially with the H:M:S used. The ties should be broken using games and scores so here is what I came up with.
1 winner every week is the goal based on picking the teams, then using the tie breakers to not have a tie, so here is what we are gonna use
for the regular season weeks which have a lotta games and no place on the pick sheet to post the 3 scores for except the designated tie breaker game
The 1st tie breaker for the week is the correct team in the last game of the week and then it's the 3 scores. We only post the scores for the last game of the week. So we are going to have multiple tie breaker correct teams as needed in the week. In the event the 4 current week normal tie breakers still result in a tie for the week, we're gonna go to the previous game of that week correct team, on back until the tie is broken. So whatever people are tied, the tie should be broken by the loss of one of the previous 15 games in a 16 game week or previous 13 games in a 14 game week. After all that, possible 18 or 16 tie breakers then I'm going to go bonkers and get sent to mamby pamby land and there will be a tie and all those tied will get 1 point for the week.
for the Wild Card, Division and Conference playoff weeks
Since there are not many games in the playoffs each week, 4 at the most, we're gonna post total score, away and home team scores for the game(s) that are not on the OP pick sheet. We'll post them in the OP forum so it is all on the same site. If a tie using the normal 4 tie breakers we will use the previous game correct team and score tie breakers, then the previous one to that and so on. Then the # of underdogs picked.
There's 4 games in the WC and Divisional week , 2 in the Conference week.
Should work but if still a tie those in the tie would each get a point for the weekly win
for the SB week
We have the normal tie breakers for the game and the 22 SB proposition bets and the 6 tie breakers noted in the proposition bets. That should do it.
For the overall (regular season + playoffs + SB prop bets)
If a tie in points then the player with the most weekly wins. If still a tie then the tied player with the highest winning % of game picks (doesn't count extra weekly win or any other points given) if still tied then start at week 1 and use all the tied players picked underdog teams, if a tie go to week 2 then week 3 etc. until the tie is broken and 1 point given to break the tie.
If still a tie after that I'm going to go bonkers and get sent to mamby pamby land and there will be a tie
If the weekly winner gets the 4 tie breakers exact too the weekly winner would get 2 extra points for the week, 1 for the 4 tie breakers exact and 1 for the weekly win even if the tie breakers did not come into play.
uufta is the current leader and would hafta agree. I think he will because of the same chance of getting the 4 tie breakers exact and getting an extra point.

7 weeks 6 different winners
Been working on the tie breaker thingie. The time posted woulda been nice because no 2 people could post at the same time especially with the H:M:S used. The ties should be broken using games and scores so here is what I came up with.
1 winner every week is the goal based on picking the teams, then using the tie breakers to not have a tie, so here is what we are gonna use
for the regular season weeks which have a lotta games and no place on the pick sheet to post the 3 scores for except the designated tie breaker game
The 1st tie breaker for the week is the correct team in the last game of the week and then it's the 3 scores. We only post the scores for the last game of the week. So we are going to have multiple tie breaker correct teams as needed in the week. In the event the 4 current week normal tie breakers still result in a tie for the week, we're gonna go to the previous game of that week correct team, on back until the tie is broken. So whatever people are tied, the tie should be broken by the loss of one of the previous 15 games in a 16 game week or previous 13 games in a 14 game week. After all that, possible 18 or 16 tie breakers then I'm going to go bonkers and get sent to mamby pamby land and there will be a tie and all those tied will get 1 point for the week.
for the Wild Card, Division and Conference playoff weeks
Since there are not many games in the playoffs each week, 4 at the most, we're gonna post total score, away and home team scores for the game(s) that are not on the OP pick sheet. We'll post them in the OP forum so it is all on the same site. If a tie using the normal 4 tie breakers we will use the previous game correct team and score tie breakers, then the previous one to that and so on. Then the # of underdogs picked.
There's 4 games in the WC and Divisional week , 2 in the Conference week.
Should work but if still a tie those in the tie would each get a point for the weekly win
for the SB week
We have the normal tie breakers for the game and the 22 SB proposition bets and the 6 tie breakers noted in the proposition bets. That should do it.
For the overall (regular season + playoffs + SB prop bets)
If a tie in points then the player with the most weekly wins. If still a tie then the tied player with the highest winning % of game picks (doesn't count extra weekly win or any other points given) if still tied then start at week 1 and use all the tied players picked underdog teams, if a tie go to week 2 then week 3 etc. until the tie is broken and 1 point given to break the tie.
If still a tie after that I'm going to go bonkers and get sent to mamby pamby land and there will be a tie