it hasn't changed all that much man. you don't think he rich got richer when the Brits were sent sailing. Hell the first thing they did was set out to create laws to protect the individuals proporties. the ppl who owned before the war owned after the war. War is a benifet to the rich not the poor. we fight and the prize is always going to the ppl who saw a benifit to violence. you think those guys who fought and died making the brits leave are less notable than the leaders who now adorn our currency?
Federal Whistle Blower Claims Chicago Grand Jury Indicted Bush And Others For Perjury
Originally Posted by LT. Columboas far as the whole race issue and katrina, i don't buy into that....Comment
Originally Posted by BR7Like I have stated before our country is no longer for the people its all for how much money can the goverment stick in its pocketsComment