Starting to get some nice days, this morning snow is usually gone by noon, just brings back memories of winter, brrrrrrrrr.
Have a happy and safe Easter everybody
My wife and I took our son to an Easter Egg hunt at the local park hosted by a local radio station...I'll bet there were around 2000 people there. The event was well orgainzed...they had three separate areas marked off for the different age groups. 2 years and younger accompanied by one parent, 3-4 year olds, 5-6 year old and then all the rest. They blew a horn and off went the kids to collect their candy and prize filled eggs. The problem was that the 2 and unders having "adult" supervision, the "adults" were knocking down other kids and parents and picking up all of the eggs. All of these fat pig parents were walking away with more eggs in "their" kids baskets than the baskets could hold. My boy got three eggs and the boy that we went with got 2...I just think it is rediculous the behavior these parents are teaching their kids. It is no wonder society is crumbling when everyone has the "me first" attitude. I grew up semi-privledged and didn't want for much...I'm 33 and grew up in beginning of the technology age and consider myself to be somewhat spoiled with the things that I have and am able to provide for my family. I always had nice clothes and shoes, a TV to watch, game consoles to play. I would gladly give it all up to go back to a time when life was simple so that me and family wouldn't have to witness this kind of BS that society has evolved into.
"I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. It's not fair to you and no challenge for us."Walt KellyComment
I think it was only a problem for the 2 and under crowd because there were about 500 two years olds I assume it would easy to get lost if a parent wasn't right there with them. But instead taking the time to let the kids get their own eggs the adults were dragging their kids along behind them to get them more eggs than the next kid. Terrible display of humanity.
"I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. It's not fair to you and no challenge for us."Walt KellyComment
Turns out my grandparents just got DSL, so I can actually load this site
And it's snowing here in Ohio too!CYA Later:
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