dvdshrink.softwarecenterz-remove this-.com
List of Google ad links to block
Are you referring to the Google Ads? I have to manually block these ads in order for them to stop showing up. The problem is that once you block one, they just set up another - I already have 11 of these domains blocked, and that's just for the DVD Shrink ones.
Until Google comes up with a way to block certain keywords, I think this thread can be used to post these offending links so I can block them.
It's best not to post the links as they are, as this would be giving them free promotion. What you could do is to post something like this:
dvdshrink.yyy-remove this-.com
Make sure you get the actual link (right click on the link and find the domain name), rather than what the Google ad displays as a link, which is often different to the actual link.Last edited by admin; 3 May 2007, 03:14 PM.