Content Size vs DVD Space

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  • stuka75
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2003
    • 3

    Content Size vs DVD Space

    New here to authoring. I Have 35 megabite video files.wmv which my Sonic MY DVD recognizes. I noticed that when importing them into project, these .wmv file use up prohibitively more space than mepegs. Do wmv's need to be converted? not used? Mpegs seem to use up dvd space proportionately to their files size, whereas wmv's use vast amounts of space.
  • shiny#3
    Digital Video Master
    Digital Video Master
    • Jul 2003
    • 1000

    wmv is a mediafilehere where the header determineces what decoder is
    to be used.

    the average ratio between an wmv. file and an mpeg2 video file
    is about is about 1 to 3 . in filesize, contaning all physical video information. of course this depends on the codec that has been wrapped in into the wmv file....

    normally it containes the mpeg4 V2 codec but als an mpeg2 codec
    or mpeg4 codec at high bitrate could be used.

    of course mpeg2 codec is only used in forced no transcoding mode. ( windows media encoder!!)

