Elby CloneDvd post-burn problems

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  • Saltybeef
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 3

    Elby CloneDvd post-burn problems

    Hello all,
    I have been using DVDDecryptor and Elby CloneDVD to backup my dvd's.
    Everything runs fine, and looks great. The problem is that I am getting really bad digitizing at random points in the video (this includes audio and video).
    Here is what I have tried so far to fix this problem:

    1. Tried three different types of DVD media (the brand escapes me, but they were everything from 1x to 4x).
    2. Upgraded and Downgraded both software's versions.
    3. Tried burning from two different DVD's (Seabiscuit and 28 Days Later)
    4. Tried to add/subtract elements to increase/decrease quality.
    5. Turned everything off running in the background, screensaver, power-save, etc.. And not touched the computer until it was finished.
    6. Formatted/Purchased a new serial ATA 120gig(I was going to do this anyway, hehe.)
    7. Burned at 1x instead 2x or 4x.
    8. Punched, kicked and screamed.

    Nothing has helped. I actually tried several different burns of Seabiscuit and the digitizing happens at random. On one burn the first screw-up was at the beginning, the next it was five minutes in. It also happens on all of the special features as well.
    To clarify, on each burn the digitizing hits in the same place when played back. But it is NOT THE SAME on each disc. Does this make sense?
    I have three different burns of the same film, I put #1 into DVD player, the hits are in the same place everytime I play it back. I put #2 in to DVD player. The hits occur in the same place when I play it back, but they are in a different place from disc #1. Same with #3... same places, but different from #1 and #2.
    Yes, I have tried it on other DVD players. It happens on them as well.

    I am running:
    NEC DVD-R +- 4X (Model # is not known. If these is important I can post when I get home from work.)
    Asus a7n8x deluxe
    1gig DDR 333
    AMD 2700+

    So I have plenty of power. Any help would be great. It's very frustrating because it seems that I am the only one with this problem. Tell me I am wrong and there is a solution!
    Thanks in advance!
  • ablindog
    Gold Member
    Gold Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 123

    Sounds as if you have tried most everything with your current software you would get advice to try.

    I would try the DVDShrink / Nero route to see if the problem was software or hardware related. DVDShrink 3.1.4 and the newest current trial version if Nero. It's a free option and there are others as well. One step at a time

    Edit: Also buy a few DVD-RWs if you haven't already.



    • Quality's Proof
      Digital Video Master
      Digital Video Master
      • Jan 2004
      • 1279

      We have all heard that the best things in life are free. I am not a subscriber to that conventional wisdom. But, as $$$'s go, the best solution I have found is :

      DVDDecrypter : versions : and
      SmartRipper v. 2.41
      DVDShrink : versions : 2.3 , 3.0 Beta 5 , 3.1.4
      IMG Classic v. : 0.91.1
      Adaptec's various aspi layers (w/ Winzip.com beta f. extractor)
      "force aspi"

      All of the above are freewares/free download(winzip)

      DVDDecrypter will burn the 'Shrink files (after IMGClassic converts files to an ISO image). With XP'S SPTI or an aspi layer.

      Have you tried the 3.0 beta 5 to 'Shrink with?

      I'Ve done many D-9's to D-5's conversions and haven't had such "digitizing" problems (unless such was on original disc).

      There are many tutorials available for 'decrypter and 'Shrink and IMGClassic has an easy to use guide included in its download. Go to dvdshrink.info for easy to understand 'Shrink tutorials.
      Rig :

      P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.


      • Saltybeef
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 3

        Found problem

        Actually, I found the problem. It was my Nvidia IDE drivers.
        CloneDVD does not like them. So I uninstalled and used the default Microsoft drivers.
        All's well! Burns perfectly and all it takes it two programs and two steps.
        Thanks for your help all!

