I hope this categorie is the right place for my problem. And sorry for my maybe bad english
I'm working nearly one year with programs like DVDShrink, DVD2One or IfoEdit. Since a few days I tried DVDStripper and MenuEdit. All of them are very nice programs!!!
But now I have a big problem with backuping TV-series DVDs like "Akte-X". On the original DVD there are files VTS_2_0.VOB, VTS_3_0.VOB, VTS_4_0.VOB, all with 0kb. After reauthore this DVD for burning it to a DVD-R (4,37GB), these three files were omissive regardless of which program I use (DVDShrink, DVD2One, DVDStripper). The new DVD could I play without problems with PowerDVD on my computer. But when I try to burn it with Nero ( I get an error: allocation of DVD failed because of missing these VTS_*_0.VOBs.
Then I though, I copy them from the original DVD in the new DVD-folder, but then I get an error: size of these VTS_*_0.VOBs are not a multiple of blocksize of 2kb.
When I ignore these error and burn the DVD, after that I can't play the DVD on my computer (I don't have a standalone player for testing).
Did someone knew this problem or could help me?
I hope anyone could understand it
Thank you,
By Stefan
I hope this categorie is the right place for my problem. And sorry for my maybe bad english

I'm working nearly one year with programs like DVDShrink, DVD2One or IfoEdit. Since a few days I tried DVDStripper and MenuEdit. All of them are very nice programs!!!
But now I have a big problem with backuping TV-series DVDs like "Akte-X". On the original DVD there are files VTS_2_0.VOB, VTS_3_0.VOB, VTS_4_0.VOB, all with 0kb. After reauthore this DVD for burning it to a DVD-R (4,37GB), these three files were omissive regardless of which program I use (DVDShrink, DVD2One, DVDStripper). The new DVD could I play without problems with PowerDVD on my computer. But when I try to burn it with Nero ( I get an error: allocation of DVD failed because of missing these VTS_*_0.VOBs.
Then I though, I copy them from the original DVD in the new DVD-folder, but then I get an error: size of these VTS_*_0.VOBs are not a multiple of blocksize of 2kb.
When I ignore these error and burn the DVD, after that I can't play the DVD on my computer (I don't have a standalone player for testing).
Did someone knew this problem or could help me?
I hope anyone could understand it

Thank you,
By Stefan
