Terminator II - Director´s Cut

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  • Kristoff
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2004
    • 5

    Terminator II - Director´s Cut

    Hello. I have bought "Terminator II - Director´s Cut" and have some problems with making a back-up of it. For the first, when I analyze the movie it shows that the whole disc is 7.6 GB big. And even if the compression is at highest - it doesn`t "fit" on a DVD+R- or DVD-R-disc.
    I uses DVD Shrink 3.2 and even if I re-author and only takes the movie with full compression - it is still too big! Does anyone of you have any tips or must I do a back-up with two discs. Have anyone had the same problem with this movie?
    Hope you could answer!
  • cynthia
    Super Moderatress
    • Jan 2004
    • 14278

    If you don't care about the quality you can output the files to your hard disk first and ignore the too big message. Then use those files as a new input in DVDShrink and do a second shrinking.


    • Kristoff
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2004
      • 5

      Is the size of "Terminator II- Director´s Cut" common for dvd:s or is it just extremely big?


      • Floppy


        It is not unusual for any given film to have a even greater file size that 7 GB some films I have their original file size is 12GB for the whole film and xtras but the film only is something like 8GB.

        For me, resolving this was be very simple, cause I would just backup the main film and still I would take away uneeded subtitle streams and sound files, thus, the quality of the backup will always be the highest and a garantied fit onto a DVD 5...

        After all if I wanna have a peek at the extras I just get the original DVD out...

        Look at the re-author mode backup guides in this site.

        Would u click on the vote link on my signature please, its a multiple option, free, and no strings attached, no information about yourself will be collected or needed....

        Good things
        Last edited by Guest; 6 Nov 2004, 07:50 PM.


        • Mig$y
          • Jan 2004
          • 2966

          Re: Terminator II - Director´s Cut

          Originally posted by Kristoff
          Does anyone of you have any tips or must I do a back-up with two discs.
          Floppy's or cynthia's suggestions are both good......

          I would personally change some of the added extras to "Still Images" which will alleviate more space and will still give you a fully functional menu.

          Now you have 3 suggestions to choose from..... you lucky person

