Just need some newbie help

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  • standard
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 24

    Just need some newbie help

    I am really glad with my new DVD Burner it is a Sony-DRU 710A

    I had a few questions:

    1 - Is this a good burner?
    2 - What is the cheapest price I can find Dual-Layer discs and where can I get them at this price?
    3 - I really would like to backup/burn DVD's at FULL quality so no difference can be seen and for teh surround sound to be identicile: (this leads to a few sub questions)
    1 - Can you effectively split a DVD and burn them seperatly and have the same quality as one DL disc?
    2 - I followed the splitting article and it was a bit confusing and old so what is the newest and most effiecent software to split and burn (it doesnt matter if I have to purchase software)
    4 - How can you make sure your burner is running at maxium capability (bc I notice when I use DVD shrink for now that its been taking 2 hrs lately when yesterday dvds were taking 40 mins)

  • jmet
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2002
    • 8697

    1. I would assume this is a good burner only cause I have the Sony DRU-510A.

    2. Think that is a question everyone is asking, and not really a definite answer to.

    3. (there was no question)

    1. yes, DVD Shrink DOES NOT DO ANYTHING TO THE AUDIO, only you can select which audio streams to keep.

    2. I've never split before, I always get it on one disk.

    4. By checking the firmware of the DVD burner and seeing if you have the most current version. You can check and see what version you currently have by a program called DVDINFOPro which can be downloaded via a link at the bottom of my post. Then go to this website and check to see if there is a newer version released. http://www.dvd-makers.com/public/1158.cfm
    Last edited by jmet; 27 Dec 2004, 02:39 PM.


    • TRI0N
      Digital Video Technician
      Digital Video Technician
      • Dec 2004
      • 442

      The Sony DRU-710A is an excellent burner. I have one myself and have installed 4 of them in client systems within the last month and not one that is unhappy with it.

      I would make sure that you are using the latest Firmware for it. BYX2 is the latest. The drive is shipped with BY01. This will alow the drive to write faster with other types of media and corrects the speed of Dual Layer writing.

      If you still find Dual Layers as being expensive your should try Re-Authoring your movies to a DVD-5 4.7GB and remove any menus and extras. I personally don't use menu's and extras on most DVD's I have its just more steps to take to start a movie. I'd rather just insert my DVD and the movie starts.



      • TRI0N
        Digital Video Technician
        Digital Video Technician
        • Dec 2004
        • 442

        After looking at the Link jmet gave you it appears as though the DRU-710A is still too new and isn't listed in there. Excellent link but here is the link to get the latest Firmware from Sony Directly.

        Last edited by TRI0N; 27 Dec 2004, 06:10 PM.



        • charlypuss
          Super Member
          Super Member
          • Nov 2004
          • 246

          And don't forget to check your DMA settings.....
          If it ain't afloat .... It's sunk .... If it ain't broke.... leave it alone.... I was once indecisive....Now I'm not sure....

          I'm old enough to know better...BUT...too young to give a toss...

