I have an 8x burner I first started using 4x disk and it was burnig then got 8x it was burning at 8 now will only burn at 2 using nero but it is a demo version when I open nero it says exspiried but whien I use the shink and burn to disk it buns with nero but only at 2 could it be the demo that wont let it burn faster ? and I also did a firnware update
burning speed problem help
Yes, you are right - after 30 days the demo will only burn at slowest possible speed.
If you don't want to spend your money on Nero - you could use DVD Decrypter (freeware) for burning. You need ver 3.2 of DVD Shrink.
Install DVD Decrypter and then in the backup section of DVD Shrink - select burn ISO with DVD Decrypter.