Hi there, I downloaded Dv shrink a few months ago and have not been able to sucessfully burn a Dvd yet. I have posted with a similar question before but my problem was never resolved.
Ok, I can reauthor and get everything just how I want it but when I burn it>it will not play (on my computer or otherwise). I know that the player needs to read the {ts.} folder, but I have no idea how to do it.
I have tried {Record Now!} {winDVD} {intervideo DVD} {DVDXcopy (which was depressingly useless)} {Muvee producer} and prolly some others.
I have a HP pavillion (laptop) 3.2, it is pretty new...
Do I want the files in a folder and the Ts. file outside the folder on the DVD?
I just wish it would work
Thanks for the help
Oh yeah, I forgot my username. Thats why this is my first post.
Ok, I can reauthor and get everything just how I want it but when I burn it>it will not play (on my computer or otherwise). I know that the player needs to read the {ts.} folder, but I have no idea how to do it.
I have tried {Record Now!} {winDVD} {intervideo DVD} {DVDXcopy (which was depressingly useless)} {Muvee producer} and prolly some others.
I have a HP pavillion (laptop) 3.2, it is pretty new...
Do I want the files in a folder and the Ts. file outside the folder on the DVD?
I just wish it would work

Thanks for the help
Oh yeah, I forgot my username. Thats why this is my first post.