What the differences are in the +R and -R. I just got a great deal on TDK DVD media, a 25 pack for 8 bucks at circuit city. I bought 3 packs and I went with the +R instead of the -R. The guy at Circuit City said that +R are better quality while -R are more compatable. Any help on the main differences, and did I make the right choice by choosing +R opposing to -R. And yes, +R does work in my DVD player. Thanks!
Can Somone Put To Rest...
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"The guy at Circuit City said that +R are better quality while -R are more compatible."
"did I make the right choice by choosing +R opposing to -R. And yes, +R does work in my DVD player."Last edited by jmet; 28 Feb 2005, 05:18 AM. -
And here is an article on why + media is better than - media....
I used to use +R's but now use -R's. The -R's were considerably cheaper (over 50%) than +R's. So, I started using them. Now, there is very little between them.
My favourite DVD + discs were Imation, Philips and Datawrite (with Ricoh dye). I still use their DVD +RW's.
I am sticking with DVD - for the foreseable future for R's. I use Ritek's Ridisc brand (both 2x and 4x discs).Comment