I have deciced to make a very graphical "bit rate guesser" for use with tmpeg and divx 5. (yes, another brc...for no apparent reason)
One thing I'm finding difficult though is that the ratio of file size to bitrate doesn't remain constant when comparing different bitrates. I was wondering if anyone has ever "charted/plotted" in some kind of graph how things actually correlate and how to make these kinds of compensations when estimating...(?)
alternatively, if any tmpeg users would like to help the venture along with some mathematical expertese, that would be even better.
Being crap at maths, I'm unsure how to structure the equations to make accurate compensations.
A VERY ROUGH beta is at http://plang.lawngnome.org/tbrg.dcr is anybody is interested. but at the moment I haven't got sufficient data to amke accurate estimates. so the guesses will be horribly wrong at best. it illustrates the style of the interface i intend to use though.....i'll only bother making it look nicer if i can get the functionality hapening.
Thanks for reading
please email me if you can help - plang@lawngnome.org
One thing I'm finding difficult though is that the ratio of file size to bitrate doesn't remain constant when comparing different bitrates. I was wondering if anyone has ever "charted/plotted" in some kind of graph how things actually correlate and how to make these kinds of compensations when estimating...(?)
alternatively, if any tmpeg users would like to help the venture along with some mathematical expertese, that would be even better.
Being crap at maths, I'm unsure how to structure the equations to make accurate compensations.
A VERY ROUGH beta is at http://plang.lawngnome.org/tbrg.dcr is anybody is interested. but at the moment I haven't got sufficient data to amke accurate estimates. so the guesses will be horribly wrong at best. it illustrates the style of the interface i intend to use though.....i'll only bother making it look nicer if i can get the functionality hapening.
Thanks for reading
please email me if you can help - plang@lawngnome.org