im tryin to load my dvd2avi project in vfapi reader 1.04 and it gives me this error "c:\rips\monkey.d2v ???????????????" with those question marks its wierd im following the directions on this link***********.html can anyone help
Have you setup vFAPI in your system by running VIFPSET.BAT file? Your link is not properly spelled, so no help there.
By the way, I strongly suggest that you keep to one thread only, instead of opening multiples of them. That way, you can keep track of your questions and their respective replies. It is also less annoying to others. -
nope that didnt work then add this afterwards ***********.html is the site i was talking about. Hey and by the way i tried running that bat file it didnt work but if you could check the link i see where i am at that would help a lot ohh and by the way sorry about opening multiple threadsComment
invalid gk project
i prepare a vod with dvd2avi and try to open it in gk and it says invalid d2v file i am following this guide but i cant get it too work any ideas anyoneComment