Sync BivX with Ogg audio streams

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  • mdlist
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2002
    • 1

    Sync BivX with Ogg audio streams

    Downloaded the BivX Broadway Danny Rose(ed2k://|file|Broadway.Danny.Rose_Woody.Allen.ogg.3.AudioS|734114879|4660e961a8 0f8d781d12de1666daeb99|/) from eDonkey, but the English audio stream was out of sync.

    Tried to open it in both AVSync and Synchronizer both non of them recognizes the file as an avi (says "Can't find audio/video stream"). The players will recognize it though and play it.

    GSpot 2 says it has a Ogg Media audio Stream and that 4cc is DivX 4. That program is just about the only one that is able to show any info on this file.

    What is the problem? Why can't I open it in the syncronizers? Is it the Ogg or the many audio streams? Any hint on how to fix it (remove the German and French streams?, add a header to make it readable by the syncs?, converse the sound to mp3?).

    BTW, VirtualDub also says "Can't determine file type..." and won't open...
