I got virtualdub to open the .vob file, and it made a .ac3 file for the audio. I place video encoding to use Divx 5.01 at 900kbit, and audio to use MP3 at 192kb. When I try to save the .avi, I get this error:
"The requested audio compression is not compatible with the input format. Check that the sampling rate and channel count of the input match those of the requested format."
Did I grab the ac3 sound incorrectly? Here's the line for the divx CLI:
-b1 900 -key 300 -dr 12,2,2000,10,20 -sc 50 -pq 3
It will let me encode with "direct stream copy" but is that any good? If I try it, I get a message saying:
"You have selected an audio compressor, but the audio mode is set to Direct Stream Copy. The audio mode must be set to Full Processing Mode to enable audio compression" ...so it really won't let me encode the audio. HELP!!!!
"The requested audio compression is not compatible with the input format. Check that the sampling rate and channel count of the input match those of the requested format."
Did I grab the ac3 sound incorrectly? Here's the line for the divx CLI:
-b1 900 -key 300 -dr 12,2,2000,10,20 -sc 50 -pq 3
It will let me encode with "direct stream copy" but is that any good? If I try it, I get a message saying:
"You have selected an audio compressor, but the audio mode is set to Direct Stream Copy. The audio mode must be set to Full Processing Mode to enable audio compression" ...so it really won't let me encode the audio. HELP!!!!