Splitting .OGG files in two

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  • Durran
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2003
    • 1

    Splitting .OGG files in two

    Since I've downloaded some Anime from a group which puts 18 seconds of useless media at the beginning of their encodes, I want to remove all of it. I know how to use AVI splitter to split the AVI, but how would I split the .OGG audio files? I see a topic called "OGG / OGM Creation and Cutting Guide" stickied but the link it refers to seems to be down so that's not really helpful. One other thing, is there an easy way to modify the srt so all the timings will be set back 18 seconds? Thanks in advance.

    Oh, one other thing. The .SRT format looks like this...

    00:00:33,795 --> 00:00:38,164

    ... but what are the numbers after the commas for?
    Last edited by Durran; 14 Jul 2003, 07:11 AM.
  • BoF
    • Nov 2001
    • 954

    search for OggCut.

    srt timing format:
    xxx = milliseconds
    you can use subrip to modify the timing.
    [www.scandiumrecords.com][Logan dataspirit]

