just checking

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  • kebabinho
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2004
    • 42

    just checking

    Im just checking that im doing this right cause it takes quite a while

    I want to convert avi files so i can play them on standalone dvd players. I

    COnvert the file to mpeg format - I tried TMPGenc but is said the avi file was unsupported so i converted it using TMPGenc DVD Author. (does anybody kow why TMPGENC doesnt work?) Takes 5 hours.

    I get the files into dvd compliant format (VOB) using TMPGENC Author. Takes 1/2 hour.

    I shrink the file using DVD shrink (although as im using FAT32, the file output of TMPGenc DVD author is limited to 4GB)

    I burn using the burn function in DVD shrink.

    Is this correct? is there an easy/quicker way of doing it?
  • sfheath
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Sep 2003
    • 2399

    I answered some of this in your other thread.

    TMPGEnc DVD Author creates a VIDEO_TS folder with appropriate IFO, BUP & VOB files.

    When you 'Open Files' in Shrink, you want to direct it to the VIDEO_TS.IFO I think, allow Shrink to do it's thing, then let TDA burn the subsequent VIDEO_TS folder to media. An empty AUDIO_TS folder may be required too.

    I say burn with TDA since you have it. If you're suggesting burning with Shrink's link to Nero I'd recommend you disable this link and use them as separate applications.

    An alternative if you have the latest Shrink and DVD Decrypter would be to pass the file across in ISO format and burn with Decrypter
    This isn't a learning curve ... this is b****y mountaineering!


    • decryptit
      • Jan 2004
      • 856

      YOu may also use nero to burn your iso.
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      The Decrypter

