Sorry I am really new to allt his and am not sure where to go in this site. I have a windows XP comp and I cannot play any avi format files. Says I am missing some codec. Tried to install xvid version 3.11 and my comp will not let me open the zip file. Not sure how to get around this. Please, If anyone knows what I have to do to be able to open these types of files or what codec I need and how and where to get it could they please let me know.
First thing you need to do is download a freeware program called G Spot. It will allow you to open up video files, and it will tell you what audio and video codec you need to play them and if you have them installed or not. Second, do a google search for a codec pack. There are several out there, trial and error is your best method in picking one. The reason you cannot open the zip file is because more than likely you do not have a unzipping program to unzip the zip file. <-- Unzipping Program
G Spot: edited by jmet; 12 Dec 2004, 03:19 AM.