Comb effect on AVI to MPEG?

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  • LlamaStick
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2002
    • 2

    Comb effect on AVI to MPEG?

    Can anyone please help.

    I have AVI files output from Premier 5.1 (Pinnacle DV).
    If I play them in Media player, they look fine. Pausing the action, everything moving images look OK.

    I've tried CBR 8000 with CCE and TMPGEnc.
    When I play the .mpg file any motion looks like a comb, ie. alternate lines are spikey.

    Is this interlacing? Will it be OK on a TV?
    The source is interlaced. I presume I need to leave it interlaced for the output. (Target is DVD PAL).
    I've tried de-interlace filters etc.
    I obviously don't understand what I'm doing - what am I doing wrong?!?

    Help please!


  • Batman
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Jan 2002
    • 2317

    You may want to visit ---check out the 'TMPGEnc explained' tutorial. Perhaps, you may want to remove/add certain filters.


    • setarip
      • Dec 2001
      • 24955

      If you notice a plethora of horizontal lines "jutting out" to the left and/or right (that weren't in your original video, do as follows:

      Maximize TMPGEnc, click on the "Settings" radio button, and select the "Advanced" tab.

      Put a checkmark in the box to the left of "Deinterlace"

      Doubleclick on the word "Deinterlace".

      Click on the down arrow to the right of the "Method" box and select the deinterlacing method you wish to apply (I prefer "Double (field adaptation)).

      Make certain that there is a checkmark in the box to the left of "Enable filter". Click on OK (This will return you to the "Advanced" tab). Click on OK (This will return you to the main screen).

      Click on the "Start" radio button and save the entire file. Likewise, if you didn't observe the horizontal lines in your 3-5 minute test, then simply click on the "Start" radio button and save the entire file.

      Let us know of your success ;>}

