Help: Video Playback prob-slow motion

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  • devst8n
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2003
    • 2

    Help: Video Playback prob-slow motion

    In anyone can help me out I will be in their debt totally. I recently upgraded to winxp from win2000 and now any avi files that are high quality (ie movie rips) will not play properly. The audio plays fine however the video will not sync and it plays approximately 1/2 the speed it should. I have tried removing and reinstalling appropriate codecs as well as playing the files on various programs such as divx player which comes with divx 5 and same problems. I can play the videos with AVI preview (kazaa lite) and they work fine which really confuses me. I know there are haters of microsoft products etc but I want to find out why this problem will work since I know the system will do it. I have verifed my hardware is all working correctly and nothing has been lost in the conversion. I have a PIII 850 with 384 MB ram, ATI Xpert 2000 with AGP 4X and I have confirmed AGP is working. I have downloaded all the needed and recomended updates, drivers etc. Can anyone offer some advice?
  • devst8n
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2003
    • 2

    Actually I found the problem with an overlapping codec problem. Windows media tried to install some codecs that were conflicting with the ones I had. I removed all previous divx codecs I installed except the XVID codec and it works now. I dont know if anyone else has this problem but if they do hopefully this helps.


    • Enchanter
      Old member
      • Feb 2002
      • 5417

      It is good to know that things are working out for you.


