you totally misunderstood that notice. all it's saying is you now have ANOTHER use your return envelopes as coupons, and you don't even have to print anything to use them. it even goes as far to say that if you don't have a mailer, you still have at least one monthly e-coupon to use. Nowhere in there would i take it as a suggestion from them to not print my monthly coupon.
No "Throttling" for Blockbusters Customers
Well, guess what? After my email conversations with my blockbuster "case worker"it seems that the throttling magically stopped, for now at least;
I turned 2 movies into the store last eve., - today bb notified me that they received them, & a couple hrs. ago I received email that they are shipping the next 2 in my queue.
See, they can do it if they really want to!
Now let's just see how long it lasts...Comment
Well, guess what? After my email conversations with my blockbuster "case worker"it seems that the throttling magically stopped, for now at least;
I turned 2 movies into the store last eve., - today bb notified me that they received them, & a couple hrs. ago I received email that they are shipping the next 2 in my queue.
See, they can do it if they really want to!
Now let's just see how long it lasts...sigpicComment
It will probably not last long so enjoy it while you can.Star Baby Girl, Born March,1997 Died June 30th 2007 6:35 PM.Comment
It will probably not last long so enjoy it while you can.
...guess bb trains their CS employees well... that seems to be the theme of many businesses these days. Give the customer an answer that sounds right, (half-truth) while completely disregarding their concerns.Comment
I am going to bug the heck out of them every time they start throttling again. They are good about answering emails, although they do have a habit of "beating around the bush" & not answering your questions/comments directly.
...guess bb trains their CS employees well... that seems to be the theme of many businesses these days. Give the customer an answer that sounds right, (half-truth) while completely disregarding their concerns.
I think they have a bunch of response templates to use and don't really write them on their own.Not registeredGo here and click register to join the Digital Digest Forums
I just noticed on the BB site that one of the stores (I have never gone to yet, it was about 4 miles away) near me has closed and is listed as Just a Total Access place now. Of the other 4 stores I had listed as my favorites all are listed as also being Total Access now. It looks like BB is really tring to keep up with the shipping demandsNot registeredGo here and click register to join the Digital Digest Forums
I have run into this with blockbuster and netflix. Netflix was the better of the two when it came to sending my top queue request though. Blockbuster would let my number 1 selection sit for weeks when it showed available all along. They would drop down as far as 11 in my list when there were plenty that showed available now ahead of it. grrrrrrrr..Comment
There is one thing I have have been noticing in the BB stores and I don't think I like it,have you guys been noticing the BB exclusives on the shelves.What I dont like is would if Hollywood Video and Netfilix start doing this also it's going to make it almost impossible to rent the DVDs you wantComment
There is one thing I have have been noticing in the BB stores and I don't think I like it,have you guys been noticing the BB exclusives on the shelves.What I dont like is would if Hollywood Video and Netfilix start doing this also it's going to make it almost impossible to rent the DVDs you want
Yup, BB has a deal with The Weinstein Company/Genius people for exclusive rights but it hasn't stopped NF from getting TWC titles so far. I seen it posted from 1 rental place that TWC titles will be available for rental even if they have to buy them at Wal-Mart.
And with the online rental war and the BB TA thing I think Hollywood Video is going to suffer the most.Not registeredGo here and click register to join the Digital Digest Forums
I have run into this with blockbuster and netflix. Netflix was the better of the two when it came to sending my top queue request though. Blockbuster would let my number 1 selection sit for weeks when it showed available all along. They would drop down as far as 11 in my list when there were plenty that showed available now ahead of it. grrrrrrrr..
My response to them was why isn't it marked as short wait or long wait until it is available at a shipping center in the 2-3 day shipping window for me. I just added a new title at the top of my queue and it arrived the next day. I guess it was available at a center 2-3 days from me. I was also told, when I had less than 30 DVDs in my queue to keep at least 30, I now have 80+Not registeredGo here and click register to join the Digital Digest Forums
Yup, BB has a deal with The Weinstein Company/Genius people for exclusive rights but it hasn't stopped NF from getting TWC titles so far. I seen it posted from 1 rental place that TWC titles will be available for rental even if they have to buy them at Wal-Mart.
And with the online rental war and the BB TA thing I think Hollywood Video is going to suffer the most.Once again you have come through with some useful information
Last edited by BR7; 29 Jan 2007, 03:35 AM.Comment
I found it in a thread at a lot of former and present BB employees post there
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