NEWS: Teen hacker denies DVD pirating
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This subject really annoys me. currently with the proliferation of the dvd and associated technologies US movie studios are making the greatest profits ever, yet they seem to want to put all thier efforts into stopping piracy. The facts are 99% of all hollywood films are crap and arent worth buying. I would never have bought a movie in my life it wasnt for dvd, i have a stack of vcd's that i have copied from movies i have paid to rent from the video store some i liked so much i wanted to own them so i went out and bought them and threw out the copies, movies such as plan 9 from outer space and harry potter, the others i decided i didnt want to own and dispose of them, but if it wasnt for this ability to test run the ownership of these films by stealing them i never would have bought any, my collection is in the dozens and grows all the time, i swap movies with my friends who do the exact same as i do. through this network of 'stealing movies' the studios are earning massive amounts of money, one of my friends owns hundreds of dvds as well as copies.
I could be wrong but as long a we buy it eventually and sony makes millions and crap actors like russell crowe makes millions and eminem is making millions and the theatres are making millions and blockbuster is making millions where is the real crime?
Finally if the studios didnt want us to copy thier product why did they make so EASY, i think its a conspiracy? -
Last edited by khp; 7 Jan 2003, 11:44 PM.Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.
Making vcds from rented movies is illegal and suggest you don't do it, but making backup copies for yourself is fine and I do it all the time. I have two houses so I backed up all of my dvds so i don't have to worry about one of my movies being at either house. If you do copy dvds illegally don't be stupid about and sell the vcds to friends and carry them around. I'm pretty sure its about a 250,000 fine and a couple of years in prison.Comment
Yes, the fines indeed are harsh, but its not like people will stop illegally copying dvd's just because of the consequences, because let's face it, its not a horrible crime where investigators will come in your house looking for copy's of dvd's.Did you know you can SEARCH the forum? Fixes common problems too:
Also search on the whole Digital-Digest website: