check this bs... more lawsuits

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  • Livewire
    • Jun 2003
    • 56

    Originally posted by shiny#3
    "I guess I missed the part where you explain how it is legal for you to steal another person's commercial work product."

    Dear setarip:

    Can you imagine my friends face,
    when he learned what a funny trick
    Sony played on him??

    Be honest!!!! Somtimes it is fair to return the favor!!

    I think I enjoy your post. Possible why the music industry is hit hardest is that most americans no longer have the conscience of copywrite laws when these tricks are pulled on us. I personally am discouraged to buy any media that is not capable of generating a duplicate of it. Few of us pay royalties to the recording industry everytime we buy recording media, and now we can't use it to copy thier media, but we still pay. I just don't get it.
    I am infuriated, and as a result I turn my back on the industries that support such foolery.
    Government throws more money at a problem, so it looks like they are making a difference.


    • setarip
      • Dec 2001
      • 24955

      Boy, playing devil's advocate sure elicits a lot of responses (and self-serving "justification") ;>}


      • shiny#3
        Digital Video Master
        Digital Video Master
        • Jul 2003
        • 1000

        To SETARIP:

        "Boy, playing devil's advocate sure elicits a lot of responses (and self-serving "justification") ;>}"

        Thanks for your moral support.

        It might be my italian blood combined with my naive nature
        that gets my blood boiling when I learn that a trick has been played on me or on one of my friends.
        since I am not likley to play tricks on my fellowmen
        I expect the same kindness for myself!

        to all others:

        I know that this excellent forum is primarily for Digital video concerns, but since this thread deals also with music
        I feel an urging to add a few things.

        There is a totally legal way of getting hold of new music
        without paying for it.

        I know it is not that confortable as a peer to peer client,
        but therefor legal.

        I use INTERNET RADIO STATIONS to record (rip) my new music.
        (this requires an internet connection with a bandwidth of
        128 kbits download at least to provide standart quality rips.)

        since these radio stations pay royalties (in germany its
        GEMA Gebühren) it is legal to rip the music to hard disk, like
        recording it from a normal radio station)

        The software I want to recommend is:

        WINAMP 2.9x or higher

        STREAMRIPPER 1.53 or higher

        the comfortable thing with streamripper is, it stores every
        title (every single song) as an mp3 file along with its IDtags!
        so the nerving "cutting out my favourits of all the other rubbish"
        is gone

        there are also quite comfortable of ripping setting of which you can choose from.
        (like "don´t exceed filsize" in case you leave your computer alone to go to work or having some beer in the pub on the corner)

        my favorite site for tuning in to that online radio stations is:


        It has over 3700 stations listed (by now) that brodcast with a
        quality of 128 kbit/s

        these stations are searchable by category (genre) and quality.
        I also guess this is enough to serve almost any music taste.

        I am writing this to help to get out of this semi legal or illegal
        state when you download music.

        this is just a suggestion!!! you might want to give a try

        to all who were already aware of this possibility:

        sorry for wasting your time!!!!

        good luck!!

        edit: excuse me ... not all of the radiostations listed in shoutcast brodcast in high bandwith
        Last edited by shiny#3; 6 Aug 2003, 09:59 PM.


        • admin
          • Nov 2001
          • 8962

          I use INTERNET RADIO STATIONS to record (rip) my new music.
          I think the RIAA can argue that it is also illegal to do this, just like the MPAA can argue that taping movies from free to air TV is also illegal. In fact, just listening to music without paying for it may be illegal - so the next time you sing in the shower, make sure no one is listening
          Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


          • shiny#3
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Jul 2003
            • 1000

            " so the next time you sing in the shower, make sure no one is listening "

            I will keep that in mind.
            Because they may even charge me for illegal broadcasting


            • Livewire
              • Jun 2003
              • 56

              hence what I was saying about the law being correct only in the eyes of those who bribe to pass the laws they choose protect thier interests best.

              Ever hear about the patent office controlling what phrases we cannot use as it is "Patented"? It's against the law to refer to a charater of "Spike" anywhere now, or they may sue for damages.

              Law in a general sence is good, but when you mix corruption and greed, things get out of here in a hurry.
              Government throws more money at a problem, so it looks like they are making a difference.


              • P@r1k
                • May 2003
                • 82

                Originally posted by admin
                In fact, just listening to music without paying for it may be illegal
                In fact, in Holland it is! When you have a radio at work, your boss has to pay an amount to our watchdog BUMA/STEMRA. This led to the disappearance of many radios! We now even have to pay for copying articles from magazines (in advance, so whether you copy or not!). So it seems very unlikely to me that ripping internet radio stations is legal!


                • shiny#3
                  Digital Video Master
                  Digital Video Master
                  • Jul 2003
                  • 1000

                  since you also do pay fees to your BUMA STERMA you should be allowed to record radio broadcast!!


                  • rsquirell
                    Digital Video Master
                    Digital Video Master
                    • Feb 2003
                    • 1329

                    You must pay the Danegelt. These muscians/actors are nothing more than mafia shake-down guys.


                    • Livewire
                      • Jun 2003
                      • 56

                      Originally posted by rsquirell
                      You must pay the RIAA. These muscians/actors are nothing more than mafia shake-down guys.
                      Really? Wow.

                      Government throws more money at a problem, so it looks like they are making a difference.


                      • rsquirell
                        Digital Video Master
                        Digital Video Master
                        • Feb 2003
                        • 1329

                        so...we should feel guilty about shaking things up while being shaken down? better to be p*ssed off than to be p*ssed on.


                        • Traja
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Aug 2003
                          • 3

                          The RIAA is stupid uneducated worthless fatasses that should do a study of what P2P programs actually do. P2P programs don't prevent people from buying the Music CD's anymore than radio stations. Back in the days of napster, I always bought music cd's of songs I downloaded and really liked. I knew the quality of the retail CD's is better than MP3's or pirated CD's, and I used napster just like people use the free sampling at music stores. The RIAA is losing sales due to it's mobster like tactics. Ever since napster shut down, I have since then boycotted Music CD's which I'm sure many people also did and are doing.

                          The reason music cd's are going down is because people are boycotting the RIAA for what they have done, and are doing. Now that they are suing kazaa users, I am continuing my boycott of music cd's and gives me a better reason and makes me feel pride when I download MP3's which I will never buy at stores even if I like the songs. I feel it is more important to boycott mobsters like the RIAA and continue to download music, never buying it again. It is a loss that the RIAA should have never started. Now, not only will I never buy Music CD's again, but I will continue to download MP3's and even record CD's to my friends ad family and I will tell then to never buy Music CD's again, instead I will make them that CD that they want. The RIAA has pushed me to this point.

                          I know that downloading MP3's is not wrong, nor illegal, because people can do the same thing by recording music on the radio, or on the new digital cable radio channels. Even with the new XM satellite people can record the songs.

                          The RIAA are the real thieves for trying to sue people who are only downloading music which has already been purchased. MP3's cannot be shared on Kazaa unless the song was purchased to begin with. The RIAA is not using their own CD's, nor recording hardware, or software, they are trying to charge people each song, plus the persons still have to use their own CD's and software, and hardware which the RIAA never paid a dime for!!!!

                          Sony is losing money on pirated PS2 games, yet Sony is making CD-R, and DVD-R drives and media!!! Sony knows if they can't beat them, join them and at least sony will make money that way.

                          The RIAA should of done something like this instead of making people mad at them. The RIAA shot themselves in the foot and will bring themselves into bankruptcy.

                          Next time the RIAA says, "We are losing money because of P2P programs", I would say, "No idiots, you are losing money because people hate you and your mobster ways!"


                          • Traja
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Aug 2003
                            • 3

                            Also, if P2P programs do anything is increase sales!!! It is a way for the songs or programs, movies etc to be shown to the world. One of the reasons the playstation became the #1 seller was because of copied games and modchips. 75% of PS2 or PS1 owners never would of bought a playstation if it wasn't for modchips or backups. The reason the music industry is down is because of the economy also. Look at all of the companies and industires being affected by the low economy, yet the RIAA thinks the economy doesn't affect them, it's P2P programs they say!!!


                            • Traja
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • Aug 2003
                              • 3

                              Another thing I forgot to mention. I see many people who are saying "It is wrong to download music...." Yet these same people don't say anything about what the RIAA and some congress men the RIAA paid to create laws such as the ones they tried to pass of which made it legal for the RIAA to destroy computers!!! The same people who are trying to preach us morals and rights from wrongs are trying to pass laws to destroy computers who have programs such as kazaa!!!!!


                              • MPS
                                Digital Video Enthusiast
                                Digital Video Enthusiast
                                • Mar 2003
                                • 358

                                Next time the RIAA says, "We are losing money because of P2P programs", I would say, "No idiots, you are losing money because people hate you and your mobster ways!"
                                i totally agree.

                                "If I went and took my neighbor's dog's load he dropped on the front lawn, would that be considered "stealing"? This is exactly what we are talking about here, crap. Crap music, crap movies I wouldn't buy, listen to or view more than once. Crap. Not stealing. Stealing crap really isn't stealling is it?"
                                not unless a new organization emerges, let's say, CSAA (Copyrighted S'h'i't Association of America)

