Read This!!!!!!!!!
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Hey Ben, I read your post, and I was completely SHOCKED. This is outrageous!!! May I quote???
"It has come to our attention that the RadLight 3.03R5.2 (by Radlight) software intentionally tries to uninstall Ad-aware components from your system, without requesting your permission or knowledge.
After reports from concerned users, our tests have shown that the Radlight software indeed checks for the default Ad-aware installation path, and then removes
all files that are not currently in use, upon its first execution.
Until now, such a malicious behaviour was commonly known for viruses and trojans.
It does not slip through Ad-watch, or hides from the Ad-aware scanner, Radlight is not (yet) targeted by Ad-aware or Ad-watch.
It performs an silent uninstall of the Ad-aware components, including desktop shortcuts and startmenu items.
This is not a bug in the RadLight software, it is intentionally uninstalling Ad-aware, with the only purpose to make your system attainable for further malware installation.
And af this wasn't enough, the Radlight software is bundled with WhenU's SaveNow software, a well known data mining company. If Ad-watch is running, it will correctly prevent the installation of Savenow.
If neither Ad-aware or Ad-watch is active, they both will be uninstalled through the Radlight software upon its first execution.
A fix is in progress, and we feel its necessary to add Radlight to the AAW target list. This is malware at it worst.
Team Lavasoft
Jeeeeeeeeeezus christ!!!!!!!!! What on earth will the next step be??? I'm also stunned by the fact that nobody commented on this in this Forum??? He, guys, time to wake up!!!!!!!!! -
Its unforgivable. Its one thing for software to install unwanted adware or spyware BUT to remove software that you wanted installed is nothing more than illegal. I'm sure they are going to hear from somebody's lawyer.
I think there is now a new build of RadLight which doesn't remove Ad-Aware anymore.
I am a huge fan of Ad-Aware, having given them free promotion early this year (or was that last year) on my news pages. It's one of those software everyone should have.
But then again, and I am not trying to defend adware here, I do see why so many free software have turned to adware for revenue - web hosting and bandwidth is just too expensive these days, and for some software publishers, it's either adware or "noware".
I do believe that a donation-ware based model, like that for other popular tools such as DVD Genie, is much better, since with adware, you end up turning off lots of potential users who may have donated had you not had adware.
In the end, it comes down the principle, and what people are willing to do in order to stay alive.
I have said before that I would never host pop-ups and pop-unders on my websites, because this is a matter of principle. Of course, when I am faced with either having pop-ups/unders or closing down my websites (I don't think this will be happening, since I am not relying on banner advertising as much as I used to), then I may have to seriously reconsider my options. The same applies to software authors, and I can fully understand their decision to include adware with their products, although deleting Ad-Aware is going a bit too far, IMO.Comment
I do see why so many free software have turned to adware for revenue - web hosting and bandwidth is just too expensive these days, and for some software publishers, it's either adware or "noware".
I can say you that right now we are - $600 (MINUS) because WE had to pay for too high traffic. I tried to get some banner ads on our website (doubleclick, burstnet, fastclick ...) but from all I got the same reply that "it is not a good time for PC segment bla bla"
As for Ad-Aware, not all of so called "Spyware" does something wrong. This was a clear message for them to reevaluate their statement to adware. FYI: Current version of RadLight does not remove AdAware.
Best Regards,
Martin BottanekNon Progredi, Est Regredi
Latest experimental version : RadLight 4 multimedia player (BETA 1 build 2) | Submit a bug report or request a feature : Click here | Latest SDK : Outdated (work in progress)
International RadLight forums : Deutsch | Español | Français | Portuguese | Slovak/Czech
The people who create these softwares---which are free and very useful---must somehow compensate, to cover costs or their own labor. Unfortunately, adware or spyware is sometimes the only means.
Servers are expensive, especially when you recieve millions of downloads.Comment
I forgot to add that we received some 75$ / month for the last 5 months via donations. BIG THANKS to the users who donated but ...Non Progredi, Est Regredi
Latest experimental version : RadLight 4 multimedia player (BETA 1 build 2) | Submit a bug report or request a feature : Click here | Latest SDK : Outdated (work in progress)
International RadLight forums : Deutsch | Español | Français | Portuguese | Slovak/Czech
Not enough to cover our costsNon Progredi, Est Regredi
Latest experimental version : RadLight 4 multimedia player (BETA 1 build 2) | Submit a bug report or request a feature : Click here | Latest SDK : Outdated (work in progress)
International RadLight forums : Deutsch | Español | Français | Portuguese | Slovak/Czech
What's so special about RadLight anyways. I looked at the link provided by DAvenger, but really, the website doesn't say anything about what RadLight IS, is it a DVDPlayer, a DivXPlayer, a MP3Player, all of this or what? Maby by refreshing Your website and give SOME info about this software You could get more people interested in Your software.
Best regards
Just try it and you will know what is it aboutNon Progredi, Est Regredi
Latest experimental version : RadLight 4 multimedia player (BETA 1 build 2) | Submit a bug report or request a feature : Click here | Latest SDK : Outdated (work in progress)
International RadLight forums : Deutsch | Español | Français | Portuguese | Slovak/Czech
Hmmm... DAvenger, maby I don't want to try it out, and why should I? I don't know what it's about and You shure didn't tell me anything, so until someone tell me exactly what I asked in my previous letter I still think this Program is nothing but shit.
You can change my mind, if You've got something REAL to say, but I'm not trying some piece of shit software if I'm not aware what it does...
Do You think I'm stupid???
Do I Think I'm stupid???
Answer: NoComment
all info you need can be found at http://www.radlight.netNon Progredi, Est Regredi
Latest experimental version : RadLight 4 multimedia player (BETA 1 build 2) | Submit a bug report or request a feature : Click here | Latest SDK : Outdated (work in progress)
International RadLight forums : Deutsch | Español | Français | Portuguese | Slovak/Czech
So What??? Nothings Changed???
When I Click on Your Stupid (I'm getting pissed now) sign, the first thing that comes up is a BANNER and I hate banners, so I click it off right away of course, the next thing that happens is I get right to Your sight which is STILL not telling me ANYTHING at all about what Your f-ng program do. So what the hell is the difference from Your last letter??????????????????????????
It would be so much easier for "stupid" people like me (hwo can't se through X-ray) if You had a sign on Your site that said something like this: "Click here if You whant to know what this program can do for You" Instead of letting people download shit they didn't even want in the first place.
I myself think YOU should get a better promotor for Your program if You ever want it to be sold.
Best regards
u have to click on "about" in the blue menu
still it's not very well made and u should be able to know what the prog does straight away and without having to look for it
that's how good web sites are made: giving u the most basic info directly and not assuming everyone knows what it's all about.
still it's not a reason to get mad