There seems to be a lot of commercial "DVD Copying Tools" out there today, and apparently, lots of them are basically just a collection of freeware tools and an instruction guide on how to use them. Usually, the author of these freeware tools are not consulted when their tools are used as part of these packages.
Consumers are also not made aware that all they are purchasing, in actual fact, is just a conversion guide, and not a "complete DVD copying system". Sometimes, they aren't even made aware of the fact that the converted/copied/backed-up movie isn't the same quality as the original DVD, or that is may not be playable on the majority of standalone DVD players (unless they are VCDs).
These programs should have been marketed as user guides/tech support, rather than a "complete DVD copying system", but this would probably mean a lot less sales, since less people will be suckered into purchasing what is essentially just a conversion guide which is freely available on the net (and probably more accurate/detailed/up-to-date). It seems some companies just couldn't resist the popularity (and the misconceptions) about DVD conversion, and have tried take advantage of novice users who actually do believe that it is somehow possible to fit a 8 GB DVD into a 650 MB CD and still have the same quality.
In short, if people knew about the availability of free DVD conversion tools and the many free conversion/backup guides on the net, or if they were better informed about the quality/content loss that comes with DVD conversion (eg. not always playable on standalone DVD players, loss of video/audio quality, loss of interactivity, loss of extra features ...), then they would probably not be so eager to part with their money ...
I for one am tired of these packages, and the amount of complaint I get in regards to them (person buys package, person finds freeware tools included with them, person finds only thing that they actually purchased was a 10-step conversion guide, person then finds free conversion guides are also available, person goes nuts and complains to me). I've even had people call me a cheat because I allowed "my" freeware tools to be sold, even though my programming skills extends about as far as being able to output "segmentation faults" in UNIX and "blue screens of death" in Windows (I guess you can say my programs are "cross-platform" compatible
What's worse is the fact that so many hard working webmasters, programmers and enthusiasts work very hard to make their work available for free to everyone, including members of this very forum (who offers their expertise to answering questions for free). Then someone comes along, does a *bit* of original work (a 10 step guide or what have you) and a heck of a lot of marketing, possibily using SPAM, and viola - a "complete DVD copying system" is born, and you can buy it for *only* $39.95.
And that, in the words of my generation, sucks
Consumers are also not made aware that all they are purchasing, in actual fact, is just a conversion guide, and not a "complete DVD copying system". Sometimes, they aren't even made aware of the fact that the converted/copied/backed-up movie isn't the same quality as the original DVD, or that is may not be playable on the majority of standalone DVD players (unless they are VCDs).
These programs should have been marketed as user guides/tech support, rather than a "complete DVD copying system", but this would probably mean a lot less sales, since less people will be suckered into purchasing what is essentially just a conversion guide which is freely available on the net (and probably more accurate/detailed/up-to-date). It seems some companies just couldn't resist the popularity (and the misconceptions) about DVD conversion, and have tried take advantage of novice users who actually do believe that it is somehow possible to fit a 8 GB DVD into a 650 MB CD and still have the same quality.
In short, if people knew about the availability of free DVD conversion tools and the many free conversion/backup guides on the net, or if they were better informed about the quality/content loss that comes with DVD conversion (eg. not always playable on standalone DVD players, loss of video/audio quality, loss of interactivity, loss of extra features ...), then they would probably not be so eager to part with their money ...
I for one am tired of these packages, and the amount of complaint I get in regards to them (person buys package, person finds freeware tools included with them, person finds only thing that they actually purchased was a 10-step conversion guide, person then finds free conversion guides are also available, person goes nuts and complains to me). I've even had people call me a cheat because I allowed "my" freeware tools to be sold, even though my programming skills extends about as far as being able to output "segmentation faults" in UNIX and "blue screens of death" in Windows (I guess you can say my programs are "cross-platform" compatible
What's worse is the fact that so many hard working webmasters, programmers and enthusiasts work very hard to make their work available for free to everyone, including members of this very forum (who offers their expertise to answering questions for free). Then someone comes along, does a *bit* of original work (a 10 step guide or what have you) and a heck of a lot of marketing, possibily using SPAM, and viola - a "complete DVD copying system" is born, and you can buy it for *only* $39.95.
And that, in the words of my generation, sucks