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  • jeo
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Feb 2004
    • 745

    ...since your last visit...

    nothing is wrong but is a very interesting phrase:

    "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit or since forums have been marked read."

    i'm curious.how the "forum" knows that some posts are news and some don't?
    trust me,i really like to know:

    what is read in my computer to identify my last visit when (or if) i'm not logged?

    friends,after any answer i have one deep doubt and need your help about this theme (surprise)
    still sending greens(you can't see but can feel)

    geriatric rock fan
  • anonymez
    Super Moderator
    • Mar 2004
    • 5525

    probably the forum software knows your last movement (or last link you clicked in the forum) and made a note of the time. when your session ends/times out, it marks all posts since that time as 'new' when you start a new session or log on

    or something like that, cookies may be involved somewhere too
    "What were the things in Gremlins called?" - Karl Pilkington


    • jeo
      Digital Video Expert
      Digital Video Expert
      • Feb 2004
      • 745

      thanks anonymez,and is good you be a super here because you really is.
      i'm not sure if i can continue talking about this topic,your judgment will be my reference...see what i really want to know:
      this is not a joke dear friend,this is real...

      sometimes i ban myself from some forums...sounds strange but is true..i am polemic but sincere.when i don't agree with the general comportament i call the adiministrator to remove me from the forum and trust me i did this 4 times....or 5!
      some are real gentlements and understand that i'm not complatible with the place and put my username as guest.
      the real reason of my answer:
      2 of this forums wroten "banned" in my username and this is not true...i call to be removed!!! i can't stand this "kids" that allways have to be right and i don't accept his positions.
      the worse: one of this forums don't let me in i have to login or i can't pass true the initial page but i'm not a member there no more and i don't want to be again.they send me one mail where after i read they "block" me to enter in the forum....the problem is: i don't accept control in my pc or in my house caming from who is lying about myself and don't have right to monitor my pc driving my freedom of came and go where i want to go as an single user!!!!
      as you can see the place is really one trash and i don't want to be a user there again but nobody can control my freedom and my choices!!

      this is the reason of my first question anonymez and i ask you now:
      changing ideas i can try to solve in peace with your help,if don't i have drastics and no diplomatics ways to solve.
      can i continue about this theme or better forget?
      still sending greens(you can't see but can feel)

      geriatric rock fan


      • blutach
        Not a god of digital video
        • Oct 2004
        • 24627

        Hello jeo. Good to see you again!!

        This thread sounds like it is moving to be more like a rant - I'll move the thread to rants, OK?


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        Explore the sites and the programs - there's a gold mine of information in them

        Don't forget to play the Digital Digest Quiz!!! (Click here)


        • jeo
          Digital Video Expert
          Digital Video Expert
          • Feb 2004
          • 745

          Hello jeo. Good to see you again!!
          better for me to see you again !

          you're right blue,i was editing my post to write this when you have the idea.
          still sending greens(you can't see but can feel)

          geriatric rock fan


          • cynthia
            Super Moderatress
            • Jan 2004
            • 14278

            There is a cookie that keeps track on the time stamp. If you don't want this to be tracked - then when you log out - checkmark the option "clear cookies" and the next time you enter the forum - the forum software will not give you the message that some threads have not been read.


            • jeo
              Digital Video Expert
              Digital Video Expert
              • Feb 2004
              • 745

              Originally Posted by cynthia
              There is a cookie that keeps track on the time stamp. If you don't want this to be tracked - then when you log out - checkmark the option "clear cookies" and the next time you enter the forum - the forum software will not give you the message that some threads have not been read.

              thanks cynthia but let me explain better:
              i call the adiministrator of the forum that i told to remove me as member and this was at round 3 weeks ago.
              a few days(3 or 4) i format my hd and back the ghost image from 2 months ago. inside another forum one user send me one link to read and was exactly for the forum that i go out.for my surprise,even with the ghost image from 2 months ago,i could not eneter in the homepage...this is the reason that i'm calling for your help,not to enter in that forum but i'm sure that they are blocking me and it's ilegal...i want and need your orientation because they are messing my freedom and the forum is open/public and not one closed forum.for this moment i'm searching the solution but if needed i will call the "invisionpower policies" where i read (part of the text) :
              "...Uploading or creating any exploitable or aggressive materials on our shared webhosting platform is strictly prohibited. Any tools we locate that may be used to exploit the operating system, or any operating system, will result in immediate account termination. This includes eggdrop bots, buffer overflow programs, devices to attack or harass other internet users, and many other items."
              as they send one link for my mail,i am sure that they "abbuse" in the use of the forum and are cutting my freedom.
              the invisionpower policies have the copy of my mail with adresses that i never could knew if they don't had send for me

              of course cynthia,forgive my porr english and typos but i need your help.i'm a man not a kid and my reputation can not be in the hand of "children/kids" (if you know what i mean)
              if you want i host in imageshack how the homepage appear in my home pc but not in the remainders.
              how someone can have the right to monitor your freedom in your own home?no matter in what country you,i or anyone here live,i'm sure that this is ilegal,nobody can remove the freedom in your home to open one public forum!!!

              my best regards!
              still sending greens(you can't see but can feel)

              geriatric rock fan


              • jeo
                Digital Video Expert
                Digital Video Expert
                • Feb 2004
                • 745

                all right,
                my last chance...can i continue or better forget to post about it here?
                i don't want to continue forcing posts where you don't want to know about this "problem".
                my intention is call for help but my respect for this forum and for the members/mods/**adiministrators is in the first place and i never will put in balance what i really need and what i really respect...respect and friendship came first,this is one more reason that i'm out of "that" forum...they are not like you here...well,i'm 52 years old and "respect" have big weight,is fine to share then,i'm waiting your sincere position,i can abandon the topic if you want.

                **(i still remember how much Admin help me in the first moment,i'm really thankfull for his educated and fast solution...maybe he forgot, he is always busy but i don't forgot his favor...is posted somewhere here)

                regards and waiting for you.
                still sending greens(you can't see but can feel)

                geriatric rock fan


                • jeo
                  Digital Video Expert
                  Digital Video Expert
                  • Feb 2004
                  • 745

                  @ Cynthia

                  after clean cookies,archives,historic in IE,evidence eliminator full scan,repair and block full scan,norton windoctor full scan,biglevel registry doctor full scan,trend micro-free online virus scan and reboot the system, see what i got in my first page opening IE:

                  as i clean "everything",how can the forum read "since my last visit"?
                  have something "locked" in my system?what i do to remove?please,recomment any program or give me hints!

                  regards and thanks.
                  still sending greens(you can't see but can feel)

                  geriatric rock fan


                  • jeo
                    Digital Video Expert
                    Digital Video Expert
                    • Feb 2004
                    • 745

                    this is the screenshot from the portal of the forum after i did all posted to remove cookies,etc:

                    the 3 first links in blue in the bottom takes me to this same page!!!

                    how can it be? ! ?
                    Last edited by jeo; 13 Oct 2006, 05:50 AM.
                    still sending greens(you can't see but can feel)

                    geriatric rock fan


                    • cynthia
                      Super Moderatress
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 14278

                      The date and time when you last visited the forum is saved in your user date in the forum software. So that can very well be the reason to why you see the threads in the "new threads since your last visit". I don't think that setting can be disabled as it would be the same for all users/members.


                      • jeo
                        Digital Video Expert
                        Digital Video Expert
                        • Feb 2004
                        • 745

                        all right,but what about the "portal picture that i posted before you?
                        seems that we posted together...do you know how i remove this blockoness?
                        i can do a new registration in one of my computers out of my house and call someone there to remopve this but a new register in that forum is not my idea...do you understand me? i only want to remove ...nothing more!
                        still sending greens(you can't see but can feel)

                        geriatric rock fan


                        • cynthia
                          Super Moderatress
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 14278

                          My guess in that picture is that the forum administrator was lazy and only pressed the "banned" button instead of having incorporated a "Retired" option that would have allowed to still login into the board.

                          Banning is on most boards the same as that you can no longer login.


                          • jeo
                            Digital Video Expert
                            Digital Video Expert
                            • Feb 2004
                            • 745

                            ok,i understand,but i was not banned ...i call to be removed and have to "stand" the lazy adimin? lol

                            everybody will see me as "banned"...this is not the case!
                            still sending greens(you can't see but can feel)

                            geriatric rock fan


                            • admin
                              • Nov 2001
                              • 8967

                              What cynthia said about the forum software storing your last visit time/date is correct. Everytime you visit the forum, the time and date is stored so that the "new posts" function can work properly. It's not something stored on your computer (although there is a cookie there if you used the "remember login" option), so you can use a different computer and the forum still knows when you last visited.

                              As for your other problem, that's really dependent on what the admin on that forum did. If that admin put you in the banned group, then your login will fail. If that forum software has some kind of IP based banning option, then this could also happen. It's hard to say.
                              Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog

