iiNet disconnects users without notice

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  • LesK
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2009
    • 4

    iiNet disconnects users without notice

    My website was disconnected without warning an hour ago, without notice. 20 min later, my ADSL2+ Internet Connection was also disconnected without notice by iiNet.
    Just luck that I have a backup wireless connection.
    Be Warned. If it happened to me, it can just as easily happen you.
    Both happened after I had just paid $30 for another domain name, and $160 for a years web hosting which I never even got to use.
    I first found out when the Username & Password I was sent by iiNet didn’t work. NICE!
    Welcome to Communist China. I believe Nazi Germany started via censorship.
    Be careful when obtaining a new Domain Name or Web Hosting.
    Their quite happy to accept your money, but that’s no indication that you’ll ever get to use it, or even your existing internet connection.
  • Pettos
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 1

    IInet is hopeless. I'm with them too. Speed is up and down all the time, worst is when you're trying to work from home, and it's all over the place.


    • LesK
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2009
      • 4

      I reckon that’s called cost cutting for the shareholders.
      Only the bare, skeleton minimum they can get away with is provided to their subscribers.
      Funny how ‘ it’s never their fault’.


      • admin
        • Nov 2001
        • 8968

        To be fair, iiNet are under a lot of pressure these days from the AFACT (the Australia RIAA/MPAA), and they need to show that they do take action to remove unauthorised content, even if they may wrongly do so to a few people.

        Did they even send you a notice about the disconnect, and their reasons for it? If not, you should at least chase it up with their phone tech support to find out, and then if you think you do have a case, then perhaps post on (nothing like a bit of public pressure, plus iiNet have reps that post there). The Telecommunication Ombudsman may be also of help if you really want to take the matter further.

        As for ISPs, I recommend Internode, which is the one I switched to from iiNet. You still get the odd connection problem once every few months, but it's usually after midnight. The pricing is quite good, especially if you they have ADSL2 equipment at your exchange (and if not, because they're a Telstra reseller, their coverage area is huge and I'd definitely recommend going with them if a Telstra exchange if your only option - anything beats dealing with Telstra directly).

        As for web hosting, probably not the best idea to get it from your ISP for reasons you've just found out. ISPs are usually not great at providing these kind of services, and you should really seek a dedicated web hosting company. I can't recommend any since I use US servers. A US server is also not the worst idea even if your website is an Australian specific one - the speed difference is minimal these days, and with the low US dollar, you can probably get a year's worth of hosting for much less than $160 (the last one I used was bluehost).
        Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


        • LesK
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2009
          • 4

          No warning given whatsoever. I have Preasures too, but I don't pass them on to others.

          The public have a right to know iiNets true colors. I will steer clear of them as much as I would from the Nazi or Communist Party.

          I’m not going down in history as a Sympathizer.
          Last edited by LesK; 21 Sep 2009, 07:28 AM.

