DVD-9 splitting/burning help

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  • talonz
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2002
    • 1

    DVD-9 splitting/burning help

    Ok, I am new to the dvd-r world and I have a few questions that will really help me out.

    I would like to be able to backup dvd-9's with everything intact on 2 dvd-r's .

    I have been able to do backup's with the doom-9 "Copying a DVD-9 to 2 DVD-r's" guide, but it seems I am only copying all the menu's and the main movie. I would like to split it so the extra goodies are one or the other dvd'rs ( spacing permitting which fits on which ).

    With that in mind -

    After the split, lets say I have enough room on dvd 1 for "the making of " and on dvd 2 I can fit all the other extra's, -- How do I make the menu adjustments for this so the menus work right ?

    After I do the actual split, when is the right time to do "Get VTS sectors " ?

    The guide states "each movie must have a VTS1 titleset " "This is no problem if the movie is contained in this titleset (most DVDs) " -- If the movie isnt part of the vts1 titleset ( I guess they wouldnt be copied after the split in the new directories ) do I just copy VTS_01_0.VOB, VTS_01_0.IFO and VTS_01_0.BUP from the original directory where the full DVD was ripped to each of the new directores?

    The next part of the guide states - "if there's a VTS_XY_0.VOB it has to be on both discs, including the associated .IFO and .BUP files " -- Following that, I would go down the list of vob's in the original directory and look for all VTS_XY_0.VOB'S and copy/paste them to the new directories -- Lets say the main movie was part of VTS_03*** ( Knights Tale ) - After the split neither new directories contain a vts_03_0.vob , only the vts_03_0.ifo and bup files. Would I copy/paste OVER the split vts_3 files or leave them alone? The Orginal Vts_3_0.IFO and BUP are 90k in size and the new ones are 56k in size.

    If anyone could help me, I would REALLY appreciate it!

