anyone ever have problems with audio/video sync using spruce up?

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  • slpknt870621345
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2002
    • 24

    anyone ever have problems with audio/video sync using spruce up?

    It seems for some movies, the audio is just a little bit off... Other movies, its perfect. I dont know what the relationship is between getting perfect audio and not so perfect audio. I use smart ripper with stream processing to rip the audio and video steam I want (I use the direct stream copy option and set it up to split the vobs at max file size which I set at 9000.) So in the end I have one large vob file. Then I use TMPGEnc's mpeg tools--> demultiplex to seperate the video and audio files from the vob. Then I just import them into spruce up, create a simple menu and output the audio_ts and video_ts folders. I noticed that the audio/video sync problem seems to exist the same within spruce up's preview just as it does after I author and play the movie back with power dvd.

    Any thoughts anyone? Is there a program that will allow you to chop just a few Milliseconds off the front of an ac3 file? I dont want to recode the file for fear of damaging the original studio quallity and coding. Thanks.
  • maggot
    • Jun 2002
    • 72

    i had that same problem when the input audio is and DEMUX so that it creates an M2V and AC3 file instead of VOB.....and then go into SPRUCEUP.....that seemed to fix it......if the M2V file is too can run ONLY the M2V file through TMPGEnc and lower the bitrate with it and get a smaller M2v output and keep the original AC3 as input.....just make sure they have the same name when importing them.


    • slpknt870621345
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2002
      • 24

      thats exactly what I'm doing. I rip the 2 streams with smart ripper into a single vob file and then use the mpeg tool's demultiplex function to rip the .m2v and .ac3 files out of the vob file and then import those 2 files into spruce up (seperately). You know, give both files the same name so it imports the ac3 file right after the m2v file giving you one video/audio file. Thanks for your reply. Any additonal thoughts? Is there a way to make smart ripper demultiplex straight to .ac3 and .m2v without haveing to create a vob file and later demultiplex it? I wonder if my problem is comming in somewhere before spruce up, more like when I demultiplex the vob file... Could there be an issue there?


      • slpknt870621345
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2002
        • 24

        Ok, nevermind about where I asked about how to demux with smart ripper, I figured that out. I feel kind of stupid for going on this whole time not knowing that I could rip and seperate and the video and audio streams all at the same time... This will cut a good 20 minutes or more off of my re-authoring process since I can cut out using TMPGEnc's mpeg tools to demux the 2 streams after I rip. I suppose the only issue remaining is if I can find a way to sync the audio for the files I have already ripped. Is there a way to increase delay, or decrease delay for when the audio starts on a movie? Or can I just insert or cut out a very very short period of time with some program to get the audio and video in sync? Thanks again.


        • maggot
          • Jun 2002
          • 72

          I use DVDDECRYPTER and have NEVER had an audio out of sync with the video when using SPRUCEUP. try using it instead of SMARTRIPPER. and remember,about 80% of the time after you rip the DVD the m2v file will be small enough to go right into authoring. if not use REMPEG2 instead of TMPGEnc to lower the bitrate. what i do is use POWERBIT to tell me what the bitrate needs to be at in order to fit on a DVD-R and then i launch REMPEG2 and set the bitrate. it runs a little less than TMPGEnc and i think the picture quality is better and smoother. but if you want to continue to use TMPGEnc then you can run it in VIDEO ONLY mode and just use the M2V and leave the AC3 alone until you need it for authoring. give it a shot and let me know what happens. also, are you changing the aspect ratio back to 16:9 after SpruceUp since it does not support 16:9. the change can be done with IFOEDIT.

